Birthday cake and konadicure

Yesterday was my birthday and I’ve had a wonderful time celebrating with my family and friends. I have my birthday konadicure to show to you…

OPI - Green-wich Village + Konad - m24 with black special polish and S-he 370OPI – Green-wich Village – 2 coats
Konad IP m24 with black special polish and S-he 370

…and here’s my birthday cake….

Birthday cake and manicureMmm… now I’m going to eat the last peace of cake… Sorry, you were too late.

I hope you guys had a great weekend so far! Thanks for reading and commenting!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

13 thoughts on “Birthday cake and konadicure”

  1. :rose: Happy Birthday! Love your manicure. Very pretty. I love the green polish. Your cake looks delicious. My birthday is the 21st.

  2. Hvala! :rose:

    Manikura je zdržala 4 dni. :w00t: Super! Danes gre dol, ker se je malo okrušila in seveda je prišel že njen čas… čeprav me je dobro zabavala in se je nisem niti malo naveličala!

  3. Hvala, punce!!! :rose:

    zabica, torto je pekel ne-vem-kdo, ker je bila kupljena. :biggrin: Bila je čokoladno kokosova. Fino sočna in ne preveč čokoladna… Njamsi!

  4. Super nohti, kot vedno! :wink:
    Torta! Nisem ravno ljubiteljica tort, ampak ob pogledu na tole torto, pa se mi sline cedijo :stars: :w00t: :w00t:
    Kdo je pa pekel torto? A je bla sadna al čokoladna?


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