“7 Choses” Tag

I was tagged by lovely nihrida. The tag is to take a picture of 7 random items. All items should be in the chosen color. Nihrida choose purple. So, I had to take picture of 7 purple things. Not a problem. I was thinking of photographing a few beauty items and some random funny purple things found in my household. Here is my picture…

I love the strong and unusual smell of perfume called Alien and I adore the alien shaped deep purple bottle. So pretty!

My mom bought the silk scarf for me. It matches my coat perfectly.

I only have one lip gloss from Chanel and it’s this lovely shimmery light purple one. I love it! But I think it’s too pricey.

My today’s mani is purple. I’ll write a separate post about it.

The Swarovski ring is my work. I love it! I’ll have some close up pictures of it in another post.

Who doesn’t like to clean, has to have at least some pretty cleaning stuff.

I won’t write about my Dyson vacuum cleaner in another post. :D But it’s purple! And it’s a darn good vacuum cleaner.

You can see how much I love colors and purple. Even my broom is purple.

That’s about my purple stuff. Now I have to tag 7 other people and then choose a color.

I tag:

My color for you is orange!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

3 thoughts on ““7 Choses” Tag”

  1. citiram: ‘Sesalec znamke Dyson… No, o njem ne bom pisala v enem od prihodnjih prispevkov.’
    aaaa, tisti NE sem spregledala ob prvem banju in so mi skoraj izpadle oči, ko sem pomislila, če boš RES pisala o sesalcu  :w00t:
    metla je pa res originalna

  2. OMG! :haha:  Kakšna metla?! Moram ti podariti nagrado za najbolj barvito čistilno pripravo. :biggrin: Še vedno ne morem verjeti, da nisem uspelo poduhati tega Aliena. Vsi čivkajo o njem, jaz pa sploh ne vem kakšno aromo ima…


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