China Glaze – Retro Diva – Short & Sassy

Do you still remember my China Glaze Retro Diva haul?

Let' Groove, Short & Sassy, Drive In ter Thunderbird
Let’ Groove, Short & Sassy, Drive In and Thunderbird

Meet China Glaze Short & Sassy. Photos were taken in September while I was on vacation by the sea. Yea – it took me some time to write this post.


Short & Sassy is mix between dark purple and burgundy red. You could say it is scarlet chameleon.

Like other polishes from this haul, it had thicker density. I needed little bit time to get us to it, but since they work with Konad, so I don’t thin them.


As you can see in the upper picture of the detail, polish becomes bright red in the sunshine. Red and cool violet shimmer prevails.

But this is not my last polish from Retro Diva collection. I succumbed to Stroll shade so now I ask our postman everyday if there’s a package for me.

If you use you imagination or you have good eyesight – you’ll see a crab I photographed at evening stroll by the sea. He was shy, so this is the best photo I could take.

VIR island - crab

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

14 thoughts on “China Glaze – Retro Diva – Short & Sassy”

  1. Ah, rdeč je pač… :biggrin: Lep rdeč, a še vedno rdeč. Na tebi izgleda zelo lepo. :wink: Rakec je pa res mini mini… moje oči takoj vidijo grožnjo… pajek je, pajek… :skull: :shock: Morda bi se ga bolj videlo, če bi fotko bolj obrezala… seveda, če ima fotka dovolj pikslov… :think: Ampak tudi tako gre… saj imamo vsi dobro domišljijo… :silly:

  2. Na tvojih nohtih mi je tale lakec res čudovit!
    Omenila si tudi, da so gostejši laki dober nadomestek za konad lake. Si mogoče že poskusila konadirati točno s tem lakcem? Jaz imam Short and Sassy in Let’s Groove in z nobenim ne morem, sta še vedno preveč “prosojna”… :unsure:

  3. Nati, rakovica je v tistem temnem trikotniku. :wink:

    Lakec je pa ful lep. Škoda, da nisem v obdobju rdeče. :blush:

    • Niso tako gosti, da se jih ne bi dalo lepo nanesti … samo privaditi se je treba, če nisi navajen na gostejše lake. Jaz dam čez Essie Good To Go, pa je zelo hitro suho.


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