After I bought liner and polishes from Secrets of the past collection, I decided to get one of the glosses too. I chose Flowerfields shade.
I like gentle fruity smell ant the fact that it does not have any taste. I usually use it when I go outside … it keeps my lips protected from the cold.
Gloss comes packaged in hygienic tube.
This is not very pigmented gloss but it does have a lot of very fine shimmer. Base is somewhere between red and orange, but there really is almost no color on the lips.
You get 14ml of gloss with 12 month expiration date after the opening.
Price: 1,75 EUR.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
i like this looks…red orange.. thats cool.. for almost of my lip gloss was light pink :wink:
Nič posebnega. Ni me pritegnil. V bistvu pa imam tako ali tako ogromno glosov in resnično ne rabim še enega dokaj dolgočasnega. :biggrin: