I was all crazy about OPI‘s You Don’t Know Jacques Suede since I first saw it. I few days ago I finally fulfilled my lemming and bought it. I know you all saw it gazillion times, but here it is once again …
There are two coats in the pictures. It’s a matte shimmery beauty. I didn’t have any application issues and dries quickly. I didn’t even miss my fast drying top coat. I used OPI’s Matte Nail Envy base coat and no top coat. I noticed first minor chipping the second day of wear. Than I added one coat of another glittery beauty. CND – VIP Status … I didn’t think I would love the combo so much.
I’m not that into glitter, but VIP Status is special. I didn’t know why so many people were crazy about it. Now I know. It’s festive but not “in your face” glitter. yI love it!
I must say I was very lucky to get VIP Status (and Disco Ball) as it is a bit harder to find.
What do you think? Is Jacques better left alone or do you like the combo with VIP Status?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
I love the suede collection. I have to order it. Love it on you. I also adore the glitter! I think I have enough glitter to last a lifetime!
Thanks to you both. :rose: VIP status is really an awesome polish. And I’m sure it would look great layered over any dark brown shade. ;)
this is gorgeous… i like the combi u made.. :wink:
that’s an unexpected combo but it sure does look really good!
VIP status is an awesome polish, looking at it makes me want to celebrate something! :w00t:
Ô, qu’il est beau, ce Jacques :wub:
Uh, lep je tale Jacques :wub:
Mislim, da bi na mojem seznamu rjavkotov delal konkurenco MPJ, ampak me malo skrbi njegova obstojnost :think:
Žametni Jaques mi je lepši brez bleščic. Verjetno si moja podzavest že predstavlja težavno odstranjevanje pri VIPu. :silly:
ooooooo kako LEP rjav lak :O pa še mat je <3
brez bleščic je lepši :biggrin:
Meni je pa Jaques sam lepši, ne vem zakaj. Mogoče bi, če bi videla manikuro v živo, spremenila mnenje. :whistle:
jooj, js se ne bi moigla odločit – Žak je sam po sebi itak fenomenalen – poleg MPJ je to še edini Opi na moji wish listi
ampak tale VIP mu pa res strašno pristoji! Super kombinacija za veseli december!