OPI – DS Glow

OPI released two new shades in the Designer Series line not so long ago. One of the two shades is a shade named Glow. It’s a wonderful golden-bronze shade. But unlike other DS polishes, this isn’t a holographic shade. I don’t know what OPI was thinking releasing Glow under DS line, which was a holographic line up to now. That said, I’m not disappointed by the shade itself, because I just love Glow! It sparkles like crazy and it has foil or metallic finish. It’s full of tiny gold and bronze flakies. Not your regular big flakies, but tiny ones. They look like tiny metal particles. I really love it! And the shade is just right in between gold and bronze. It suits my skin tone perfectly. Look…

OPI - DS GlowOPI - DS Glow

I had no application issues. Two coats in the picture.

OPI - DS Glow

I fell in love with Glow as I first saw swatches of it and I wasn’t disappointed. What do you think? Why did OPI release non-holographic shades in DS line?

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18 thoughts on “OPI – DS Glow”

    • GreenEyedFairy, I didn’t know that some of the older DS colors weren’t holo. Do you maybe know the names of the non-holo ones? I’m totally curious. Thank you for your comment!

  1. I love it on your pictures especially close up.  And yes it suits you perfectly I have Mystery second non holographic shade and it is very nice polish but I expected something more. I want old holo efect in DS line back! I opet divne, divne fotke!

    • Day, thank you! I can’t decide about Mystery. It’s looks lovely in the bottle, but I’m afraid it might be too dark on the nail and the gold particles not visible enough. I’m still deciding, if I should buy it or not.

  2. Very insane of OPI. I want a holo polish. That would have looked amazing as a holo. Your nails look lovely in this shade. I’ll have to add it to my list to buy. My list gets longer each day!:biggrin:

  3. Ravnokar ga odstranjujem. Odstranjevanje sploh ni težavno. Približno tako kot odstranjevanje vsakega folijastega laka oz. še lažje. Res, jaz sem pozitivno presenečena. Tudi pri Scrangie sem prebrala, da odstranjevanje ni težavno.

  4. Zame sta bila ta in še oni drugi lakec res neprijetno presenečenje, ker sem upala na kaj super holografskega. Ampak moram priznati, da ta lak izgleda zelo lepo, vsaj na tvojih nohtkih. Pa na povečavah tudi. :)  Zagotovo pa DS ni primerna oznaka zanj…
    Tudi mene pa sicer zanima, kako je z odstranjevanjem.

  5. Ooooo zelo lep bakren odtenek.  :wub:
    Se strinjam s Katjinim vprašanjem. Saj meni zgleda kar težek kot vsi laki z veliko bleščic.. :ermm:


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