Dear Thriszha sent me a package and I was all crazy about it, when I opened it. Look at all this gorgeous stuff …
A lovely Christmas card her daughter picked for me! Thank you little angel!
A Konad and a Fauxnad plate, both with lovely designs. Love them!
Than two Guppy polishes. My first Guppies! OMG, these two are gorgeous! Love both of them! I already wore both and I’ll write a review on them soon.
A glittery mini polish. So cute!
And than another cool thing … key chain … 3D engraved … and with changing lights! How cool is that!
I’m so proud to own my own Burj Al Arab!
Thiszha, thank you!!!
p.s. Sorry for the nasty finger prints on Burj Al Arab cube. I should have cleaned them before I took the pictures with my new fancy DSLR camera.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Of course I posted it, sweetie. I also translated it in EN. HERE And I’ll soon post manicures with Guppy polishes. I have to tell you, I love Guppy polishes you sent me! :wub:
wow!! i never thought that u have posted a blog about are LiL exchange gift.. :wub: i only have 1 extra bottle of those guppy and I will give my spare bottle of guppy 64 to Nhirida..waaaaa!! im really glad that u like the simple gift i send to u.. and hopefully guppy polish will be available again here in Abu Dhabi…i like their cream polish coz it’s so good for konading… :nails:
Prekrasno darilo! komaj čakam na swatche guppy lakcev (full lušno ime :blush:)
Obesek pa je full fancy :wub:
Zelo prijazno od Thrisza-e.
Guppy izgledata fantastično. :wub:
OOooooooo, Guppy lakci… sem ti čisto fovš! =)
waaaa.. čudovito darilo!!! :stars:
oooo super :D Še ploščice? Kakšne so? :D