Metal Babe with something extra

I just had to put something over the Essence Metal Babe shade. Which color wouldn’t clash with rainbow? Hmmm.

I took the easy way out … I asked Maestra for advice. She suggested blue color.

As I couldn’t decide between Midnight Cami in Cantare 132 polish, I used both. :D

Essence Metal Babe + Essie Midnight Cami + Cantare 132 + Fauxnad H7

For lighter image I used Cantare 132 and Midnight Cami for darker one. I like both combinations but darker one is little bit more my style than light one.

Essence Metal Babe + Essie Midnight Cami + Cantare 132 + Fauxnad H7

Both polishes work great with Fauxnad plate but image made with Midnight Cami is little bit sharper.

Unfortunately we have no sunshine here so I could not show you holo effect in all of his glory.

So … which combination do you prefer: light, dark or the mix?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

19 thoughts on “Metal Babe with something extra”

  1. Ovo odlično izgleda! Baš simpatično. :)
    Nego, cure, da vas pitam – na koji način uspijevate voditi stranicu i na engleskom i na slovenskom tj. kako funkcionira stranica na 2 jezika? Htjela sam i ja svoj blog prevoditi i na engleski ali ne znam odakle da krenem. :think:   :ermm:
    Hvala na odgovoru!
    Vesna :wub:

  2. meni sta všeč obe verziji, bi pa verjetno super izgledalo, če bi naredila ene mehurčke temne ene pa svetle (na istem nohtu) :wink:

  3. U, meni je konad s temno modro veliko bolj všeč!
    Čeprav je zelo lepo tudi takole izmenično. Super manikura, Gejba (in Maestra)! :silly:
    Škoda, da ni več sončka, ja… :(


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