I wasn’t overly impressed with this years Essie Cuddle with Color fall collection. The only shade I liked was Midnight Cami, so I bought it in mini version (5ml/.16 fl oz.).
Polish is more blue-black than than dark blue … but I did expect that – hence mini bottle. Application went on without problems – I used two layers to achieve perfect coverage. Flash on my camera brought gorgeous blue shimmer to life.
I think I’ll be using this polish in sunnier period of the year – it would be crime to hide all that wonderful shimmer in cloudy fall/winter time. Especially since I can use Gabrini Elegant 371 as blue-black base for konadicures.
I already publishes konadicure with Midnight Cami in Club 30 post.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
This polish looks better in the bottle, sadly :angry:
Lucy I do like China glazes Bermuda breakaway and Calypso blue.
:think: I wish I could find a navy blue without any shimmer. I need just the perfect creme. This is pretty on you. I was hoping it was the shade I want but it’s not.
Ze :whistle: lo lep odtenek…
Tudi jaz nimam Russan Navy, imam pa OPI Ink, ki pa ima večij šimer od MC, prav tako je Ink bolj vijoličen. MC sicer nimam, zato ne morem narediti primerjave, sem ga pa že videla v živo. Lep odtenek, ampak res zelo temen.
Zelo lep odtenek :wub:
Ta odtenek pa spominja na Russian Navy od OPI. Me prav zanima kakšna bi bila primerjava med slednjim essie Midnight Cami ter Opi Ink. Se mi zdi da so barve zelo blizu.
Na žalost nimam Russian Navy, da bi ju lahko primerjala. Na fotografijah, ki sem jih videla, mi deluje Russian Navy bolj vijoličen … vsaj na soncu.