Attitude Peacock Feather

Today I have for you one of my new beauties – Attitude Peacock Feather.

Attitude Peacock Feather; Jessica Trafalgar Teal

This gorgeous teal shade went straight to my heart. It almost never happens that I fall in love with creme polish (and even then it’s almost always red one ).

2 layers + top coat

I was in a hurry, so first layer was far from nice and neat application. That is why second coat was necessary, otherwise one is enough. Polish is very thick and pigmented so it’s a good chance it will work with Konad plates.

artificial light

Second photo is made in light box to show you one of the shades of this polish, but it came out more blue than it really is. Joys of photographing teal shades.

Staying power? Photos were taken on the forth day. I’m satisfied with it.

I did manage to stain my ring finger a little bit. I did use 2 layers of base coat, but then I smeared polish all over with polish remover pen. I really should listen to my own advice more often.

How do you like my new teal polish?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

12 thoughts on “Attitude Peacock Feather”

  1. No. But Models Own is getting close with their Peacock Green, but it doesn’t lean towards blue as my wish is. (In addition, Models Owns are not 3Free, and I’m trying to avoid them …)
    I have bought some pigments to try to do it myself, but those often come out frosty. And I’m really NOT into frosty effect. So … I’ll keep looking. Any advice would be mostly welcome.  :w00t:
    Hm. Now I know what to do later on tonight. If I’m lucky, I’ll swatch it the near future.  :silly:
    (Love all those silly smileys, sorry for using them all when I comment.  :angel:

  2. Čakam še na p2 Dangeorous lakec, potem pa naredim primerjavo med njimi. :nails:

    Pri prvi plasti sem s popravljanjem odstranila podlak, druga plast je šla pa seveda čez nezaščiten del. Ker ima zelo močan pigmet,  je potrebna heavy duty zadeva za korigiranje – torej nekaj z acetonom, da ga res čim prej odstraniš in ne razpacaš vsega.

  3. Leeep! Zanima me, kakšen je v primerjavi z Budimfešto? A sta si podobna ali pa je tale morda temnejši…

    Zadnjega odstavka pa ne razumem najbolje. :blush: Kaj je povzročil korekturni svinčnik? In kako? :think:


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