China Glaze: Light As Air, Blue Hawaiian; OPI: Absolutely Alice, Mad as a HatterOPI: Absolutely Alice, Mad as a HatterChina Glaze: Blue Hawaiian, OPI: Absolutely AliceOrly - Country Club Khaki, Essie - Chinchilly, Rival de Loop - 54, Franken - Not ConcreteEssie - Sag Harbor, Rival de Loop - 54, Franken - Not ConcretePrecision - Twinkle Toes, China Glaze - Ruby Pumps
Samo toliko zaenkrat. Brez skrbi, pravi “swatchi” in primerjave še pridejo …
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weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…. im looking forward for the swatches of TT and RP
Same krasne barve se skrivajo v teh stekleničkah :wub:
Sinfulčki imajo precej okrogle stekleničke spodaj.
A res ne? Bom morala primerjati, ker sem bila 100% prepricana da imata iste steklenicke :).
Drugace pa komaj cakam slikice lakcev na nohtih!! :silly:
speachless :w00t:
I’m going to post some swatches tomorrow. ;)
Gejba, is she loud? :biggrin:
Nič ne bom rekla… :w00t: :drop: :biggrin:
Absolutely Alice speaks to me. :biggrin:
AA je res krasen! Nabit z bleščicami in te zlate ali rumenkaste bleščice mu dajo piko na “i”. :wub:
Absolutely Alice izgleda luštno. Škoda, ker je bleščičast.
Super fotke, komaj čakam na swatche :w00t:
Tamara, sem ravnokar ugotavljala, ampak nimajo istih stekleničk. :wink:
Ne vem ce si ze ugotavljala… ampak CG in Sinful Colors imata iste steklenicke..
njamiiiii :stars:
I’m also waiting to see swatches!
wow! can’t wait to see the swatches!