Friend brought me Yves Rocher Bleu Nuit mini nail polish from her trip to Germany.
This is probably the tiniest polish I own. You get only 3 ml of polish in Yver Rocher minis. Bleu Nuit is very pigmented dark blue shade. I used only one little bit thicker layer for the swatch.
Shimmer is almost invisible. I had to use flash for it too peak out from its hiding place.
Bleu Nuit is similar to Essie Midnight Cami. If I had to decide between them, I would choose Cami since I can use it for Konad and because I prefer its glossy finish.
Anybody else out there who just loves minis?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
note to myself….go to Yves Rocher store on Saturday… ;)
I love mini sizes because I love to have many different colors available
Let me know which shades did you pick up. :rose:
How many manicures? Not really sure. 5 maybe? :think:
this is nice shade of blue..weeeeeee… 3 ml?!! :shock: i thought 5 ml is the smallest volume of a nail polish…im just wondering.. how many nails u can use this polish.. :nails:
That is so beautiful. I would love to grab my hands on one of those! :w00t:
I wouldn’t mind getting few more myself. :silly:
Lep odtenek, ampak 3ml je vseeno premalo. Še vedno trdim, da so cca. 5ml najbolj primerni za minije. In kolikor se spomni, so ti YR minije precej dragi… glede na količino.
Gejba, minijev v Avstriji nisem opazila. Lep je, saj je moder, šimer pa zelo sramežljiv.
Danes sem videla, da pri nas ob nakupu Opi laka, podarijo Opi minija.
Jope – so se našli eni z manjšimi stekleničkami. :silly:
OPI miniji so 3,75 ml.
Krasen je :nails:
Mini stekleničke pa so itak “kjut” :silly: Samo 3 ml – to je še manjša steklenička kot mini OPI?