Illamasqua camouflage nails

I’ve got this idea in my head since the day I bought Illamasqua – Hectic polish. OK, it’s not that long ago, but anyway. I immediately though of camouflage nails, when I saw Hectic. I mean, I have tons of polishes and all kinds of colors but nothing like Hectic. First look at it …

Although I thought Hectic would look awful on me I bought it. Only because of the unusual color. But man was I wrong! It love how it looks on me! The formula is very thin and it needed two to three coats to be fully opaque. I was a bit disappointed. I mean, everybody raves about Illamasqua polishes and their formula, but for me, Hectic wasn’t that good. And it costs £13.

I told you about my idea … the camouflage nails … Here they are …

Illamasqua – Hectic
Konad m61 with Essence – In Love

And believe me, when I say that it looked way better IRL. I don’t know why, but I loved this manicure very very much!

What do you think?

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24 thoughts on “Illamasqua camouflage nails”

  1. I’ve been playing around with the Konad image plates and managed to do something similar.  If you want a really neat camo effect, try this:
    Paint your nails with a light color like cream.  White or silver will work too.  Do the cow print stamp from image plate m61 in brown (The best brown is from the Princess collection.)  Use the same plate for the green, but apply the stamp up-side-down and turn it on an angle so it doesn’t look like the same image stamped over itself.  Then using image plate m24 use the black with the cheetah print on top.  This one is narrow so you may have to apply this one a few more times beside itself.
    Here’s an example and a few variations as well:

  2. ok full mam glupo vprašanje tko da ne se smejat  :whistle:
    kadar imaš dva nanosa, koliko časa počakaš ko daš prvi nanos, predno naneseš drugega?  :rose:

    • Cathy, sploh ni glupo vprašanje. :roll: Malo je odvisno od laka do laka. Pri nekaterih (metalik, holo) je fajn, da vmes počakaš, da se popolnoma posušijo. Nekateri niso tako občutljivi in lahko takoj naneseš drugi sloj. Jaz večinoma vseeno malo počakam med nanosoma, ker se mi tako manikura hitreje suši. Vmes počakam recimo 2-5min. Kaj pa vem. Nikoli nisem gledalana uro.  Delam čisto po občutku in času, ki ga imam. Prav tako malo počakam pred nanosom nadlaka, ker mi tako nadlak manj barve “pobere”.

      Upam, da sem odgovorila na tvoje vprašanje. Če te še kaj zanima, pa kar vprašaj. ;)

  3. Super :) Meni je barva zelo všeč, taka posebna, olivno zelena :) :cute:
    Kamuflaž   :naughty:  manikura pa je tudi fajn, zelo zanimiva. Super za kakšno aktivnost v gozdu  :pic:

  4. I absolutelly love the mani! My sister had a fit when I showed her your pic and now demands I do this on her nails right away :silly: !

    Also, Hectic is my favourite Illamasqua. I prefer it over Rampage and Muse. It’s a really odd color but it’s so interesting! I like the formula but I don’t think it’s all that superior to others.

    • Really??? I’m honoured! Your sister has a good taste, I guess. LOL I’ll try layer Hectic next time. Thanks for the idea. ;) And yes, it’s an odd color and maybe that’s why I love it so much.

  5. hm…tale Hectic je res malo jajks…
    kamuflažna manikura zgleda pa super – dobra kobinacija! tebi itak vse paše :thumb:


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