I recently found a great scarf at C&A. I loved it the second I saw it and I knew I had to have it. And it was only 6,90€.
The colors are a bit too blue. IRL it’s more turquoise, blue and teal. On the left you can see a nail polish that was sent to me by Lyra a loooooooong time ago. I’m so sorry I didn’t post it yet. The thing is. Lyra thought of this polish as “the ugliest polish in the universe”. And she sent it to me with a challenge to make it prettier. I turned out to be a challenge, because I found the polish pretty from the start. I love such shades and this one is just up my alley. So, how can I make it even prettier? Or how can I transform it so that Lyra would like it? It was a difficult task and I just didn’t have an inspiration until recently. Luckily I bought a new scarf.
First let me introduce you to the nail polish L.A. Girl – Turntable from the Disco Brites line.
Turntable was a nightmare to photograph. The original pictures were way off. I played with Photoshop a bit and I think that the color in the photo is close to what you would see in real life. Maybe it’s a touch too dark. I mean, every polish changes depending on the light and everything. Not to mention that every monitor shows colors a bit differently. I gave it my best to show you this beauty but I’m no professional.
*Note that in the next pictures the color of the polish hasn’t been photoshoped to real life hue.
As I wrote before, the scarf was my inspiration for a manicure and that is what I came up with.
L.A. Girl – Turntable (2 coats)
L.A. Girl – Twinkling and Konad special polish – white (sponge technique)
Konad IP m59 with Konad special polish – black
Lyra, thank you for sending me Turntable! As you already know, I love it!
I was very happy with the end result. Lyra, do you still think that Turntable is ugly?
What do you think?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
krasno :wub:
Maestra odlično opravljena domača naloga :haha: Sedi 5 !
Šal pa res ni tako moder, kot izgleda na sliki :whistle:
Pišuka, kaj pa si naj počnem s petko na faksu??? :cry: :naughty:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Look what I found in a 75 cent shop! =-.
ja petka na faksu, ups :wub: torej imaš popravni izpit :haha: :haha: :haha:
Wau res si ga polepšala :wub: Zdaj pa mi ga pošlji nazaj :haha: (hecam se) :devil:
Nihrida ampak meni je ta lak res bil grd, takoj ko sem ga dobila sem si mislila: kaj za vraga sem si to naročila :scared:
In Maestra je me je zelo navdušila z svojimi članki ko je iz grdobcev delala lepotce tako da sem se spomnila na njo :rose: Super si to naredila, zdaj že razmišljam ali si ga naj spet naročim :blush:
Lepo, da ti je všeč, kar sem ustvarila. :nails: :party: Brez problema ti ga pošljem nazaj, ker saj veš… enega že imam od prej. ;) Tega pošljem nazaj, ti pa mi pošlješ kakšnega drugega “grdobca”. :haha:
Se bom pa potrudila, da naredim še kakšen prispevek na temo grdih račkov in labodov. ;)
.-= Maestra´s last post … Look what I found in a 75 cent shop! =-.
Krasna kombinacija v nulo si jo zadela :cute:
Hvala, Anita! :rose:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Look what I found in a 75 cent shop! =-.
Lyro bo treba dat čez koleno. Kako je lahko tale odtenek poimenovala kot grdega? Jaz ga imam in sem navdušena nad njim. :yes:
Ja, Lyro bo treba malo spanky spanky. :biggrin:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Look what I found in a 75 cent shop! =-.
Zanimiv odtenek, ki gre krasno k novemu šalu. :wub:
Sem se ravno danes ubadala z enim nagajivim odtenkom, ki noče in noče biti zelen. :hmm:
Hvala, Gejba! Joj, ti nagajivi odtenki… :shock:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Look what I found in a 75 cent shop! =-.