Inspiration found in my new scarf

I recently found a great scarf at C&A. I loved it the second I saw it and I knew I had to have it. And it was only 6,90€.

L.A. Girl - Disco Brites - Turntable + scarfThe colors are a bit too blue. IRL it’s more turquoise, blue and teal. On the left you can see a nail polish that was sent to me by Lyra a loooooooong time ago. I’m so sorry I didn’t post it yet. The thing is. Lyra thought of this polish as “the ugliest polish in the universe”. And she sent it to me with a challenge to make it prettier. I turned out to be a challenge, because I found the polish pretty from the start. I love such shades and this one is just up my alley. So, how can I make it even prettier? Or how can I transform it so that Lyra would like it? It was a difficult task and I just didn’t have an inspiration until recently. Luckily I bought a new scarf.

First let me introduce you to the nail polish L.A. Girl – Turntable from the Disco Brites line.

Swatch: L.A. Girl - Disco Brites - Turntable
2 coats

Turntable was a nightmare to photograph. The original pictures were way off. I played with Photoshop a bit and I think that the color in the photo is close to what you would see in real life. Maybe it’s a touch too dark. I mean, every polish changes depending on the light and everything. Not to mention that every monitor shows colors a bit differently. I gave it my best to show you this beauty but I’m no professional.

*Note that in the next pictures the color of the polish hasn’t been photoshoped to real life hue.

As I wrote before, the scarf was my inspiration for a manicure and that is what I came up with.

Konadicure: L.A. Girl - Disco Brites - Turntable + sponge Twinkling and white + Konad m57 w/ black
L.A. Girl – Turntable (2 coats)
L.A. Girl – Twinkling  and Konad special polish – white (sponge technique)
Konad IP m59 with Konad special polish – black

Konadicure: L.A. Girl - Disco Brites - Turntable + sponge Twinkling and white + Konad m57 w/ blackKonadicure: L.A. Girl - Disco Brites - Turntable + sponge Twinkling and white + Konad m57 w/ black

Lyra, thank you for sending me Turntable! As you already know, I love it!

I was very happy with the end result. Lyra, do you still think that Turntable is ugly?

What do you think?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

12 thoughts on “Inspiration found in my new scarf”

  1. Wau res si ga polepšala :wub:  Zdaj pa mi ga pošlji nazaj :haha: (hecam se) :devil:  
    Nihrida ampak meni je ta lak res bil grd, takoj ko sem ga dobila  sem si mislila: kaj za vraga sem si to naročila :scared:
    In Maestra je me je zelo navdušila z svojimi članki ko je iz grdobcev delala lepotce tako da sem se spomnila na njo :rose:   Super si to naredila, zdaj že razmišljam ali si ga naj spet naročim :blush:

    • Lepo, da ti je všeč, kar sem ustvarila. :nails: :party: Brez problema ti ga pošljem nazaj, ker saj veš… enega že imam od prej. ;) Tega pošljem nazaj, ti pa mi pošlješ kakšnega drugega “grdobca”. :haha:

      Se bom pa potrudila, da naredim še kakšen prispevek na temo grdih račkov in labodov. ;)

      .-= Maestra´s last post … Look what I found in a 75 cent shop! =-.

  2. Lyro bo treba dat čez koleno. Kako je lahko tale odtenek poimenovala kot grdega? Jaz ga imam in sem navdušena nad njim. :yes:

  3. Zanimiv odtenek, ki gre krasno k novemu šalu. :wub:

    Sem se ravno danes ubadala z enim nagajivim odtenkom, ki noče in noče biti zelen. :hmm:


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