Blue Curacao is a polish that probably got its name after a liqueur. I think it’s a good name. It’s way more original than to name this creme (almost jelly) blue “Aqua Blue” or “Feeling Blue” or “It’s Blue” or “97503”… Blue Curacao is definitely a good name.
The formula on Blue Curacao is a bit sheer, but not as sheer as I feared it would be. This is two coats without a top coat. It dries to a satin finish. I tried it under the black light, but it turned out it wasn’t a neon.
I added a third coat and one coat of top coat. Perfect!
I think that this kind of blue is just perfect for Summer!
Although it took three coats to make this beauty totally opaque, I didn’t have any application issues. It dried pretty fast too. No complaints at all.
That’s what I wrote in my previous post about the Magnetic polishes:
“The brush could be better. It’s a bit mopy, but because the formula on these is so great, I didn’t have any problems with the brush. The only issue (that isn’t a real issue at all) I have with Magnetic polishes is the bottle. I just don’t like the shape and the handle and the whole look. But that sure doesn’t effect the quality, which is really good. Unfortunately, I can’t write about the wear time, because I didn’t have the chance to try that out yet. Everything else is great. At least the shades I’ve tried are great. If you have the chance to try them out … don’t hesitate.”
My opinion stays the same and holds true for this nail polish as well.
Have you already tried the Magntic polishes? What do you think of them? What do you think of Blue Curacao?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Čudovita modra! :wub:
Moja napaka!!! Ime odtenka je Blue Curacao. Narobe sem imela shranjena imena slik in potem nisem več preverjala na steklenički imena.
duckalicious, najlepša hvala za komentar, ki mi ni dal miru in sem šla pogledat na stekleničko, kaj resnično piše na njej! :rose:
V prispevku sem poskušala popraviti vsa imena. Upam, da mi je uspelo. ;)
Se opravičujem za napačne info! Upam, da je zdaj OK.
Caracao? A ni otok Curacao, al je to kakšna besedna igra? Anyway, hud odtenek!
Jap, otok je res Curacao. Odtenek pa se imenuje Blue Caracao. Ne vem, ali so se zmotili ali so namenoma tako poimenovali ali kakšen je bil sploh njihov motiv za to ime. Meni se zdi dovolj podobno tako ime kot tudi barva, da bi rekla, da so tam iskali inspiracijo. :wink:
Ja, odtenek je pa res hud! :wub:
Zelo zelo zelo lepa modra :hmm: Čisto prav za poletje :yes: Čeprav mu nebi škodilo še kaj morskega konada :party:
Aham, direkt podlaga za morski Konad. Bodo kdaj v prihodnje prišle še ribice na Blue Caracao. :nails:
Za Magnetic lake slišim drugič, nikoli jih nisem videla v živo. Blue Caracao je vsekakor izvirno ime, pa še lep je. =)
Tudi jaz jih nisem poznala… prvič sem jih videla na sejmu v Celju… Resnično niso slabi! :thumb:
Lepa barva! :wub:
Drugače pa s temi lakce (še) nimam izkušenj. :nails:
oh yeh.. great for summer!!! :yes:
anything about blue is OK :thumb: with u right?? u’re MISS BLUE!! :happy:
btw, those smileys on ur comment box are so cool and this — :party: smiley really makes me LOL!! coz cheska copy the moves of this smiley..LOL
MISS BLUE :haha: I just can’t help it. I love blue, turquoise, green and such shades. :wub:
:party: cheska :party:
3 plasti + nadlak res izgledajo čudovito. :wub: