Precision – Purple Hooter

By Mamy

I got Precision – Purple Hooter as a gift from Goga. Thank you Goga, I adore it.

Precision – Purple Hooter, perfect violet color.


Precision Purple Hooter
Precision Purple Hooter

Precision Purple Hooter

The polish is a little bit to thin, otherwise I had no problems with application. I used three layers.

I just love the high shine of this polish. Shimmer is very finely milled and noticeable only in closeups.

Precision Purple Hooter

For the end – Viburnum fragrans:

Dehteca brogovita, Viburnum Fragrans

Now I have two Precision polishes: Rebel Red in You…

Precision Rebel Red in You

…and Purple Hooter. I love both of them.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

3 thoughts on “Precision – Purple Hooter”

  1. Od zgornjih obeh lakov mi je bolj všeč Rebel Red in You. Purple Hooter ni slab, a je eden tistih odtenkov, ki mi niso preveč všeč. Vijola z modrom odsevom…

    Cvetje je čudovito! :wub:


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