The sun is shining and we finally have warm spring weather.
Today I have for you light green shade – Catrice Sold Out For Ever (no. 240). Photos are from my photo archive but this is also my NOTD.
Gorgeous mint green shade has a lot of green shimmer, which is darker than base and very finely ground up.

If you can nicely see the green shimmer in the bottle, it looks something like this on the nails.

I used two layers of Sold Out For Ever without top coat. Application was not as flawless as with most of the other shades, but it was still not difficult. I did notice that I applied it with less fuss on shorter nails though. :D
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Gejba, čudovito se ti poda k polti. :yes:
.-= Mamy´s last post … Orly: Gumdrop and Snowcone from Sweet Collection and Mint Mojito =-.
It looks very pretty on you!! :D
jst ga tud mam in mi je krasen :wub:
Res je krasen odtenek. :love:
sem si ga prav mogla dat včeraj popoldan na nohte :wub:
Vsi štirje iz zgornje slike so čista perfekcija in upam, da pridejo v moje roke preden bodo zares sold out. :wub:
Jaz upam, da bodo čisto vsi odtenki prišli k nam. :happy:
Tega bom v kratkem dobila! :D :party:
(ful so dobri smajliji)
Dober ulov. :yes:
Pretty! I must admit I mostly bought it because I read it’s a Chanel dupe. Mint greens aren’t the greatest color on me but my sister has requested this as a mani four times already and that’s unheard of !
I usually don’t like mint very much, since they tend to be to light, but this one is prefect. :love:
I heart this green..
I’m with you ThRiSzHa. :yes:
Lepotec! :love:
Meni je bil tako všeč, da ga nisem hotela “pokvariti” s konadikuro. :silly:
Uhhh, s tem se pa ne strinjam. :roll: Konad nobenega lakca ne pokvari, ampak iz njega potegne samo najboljše. :biggrin: :naughty: :angel: