Here are the first swatches of our American Apparel polishes.
I’ll begin with “a small” (or a standard Parokeets photo) photo of the bottles …

… and end with a huge photo of the swatches on a nail wheel. Try to click on the photo, maybe it’ll become even bigger.

All shades are shown with two coats. The lighter shades (Office, Coney Island, Cotton, Butter) are a bit streaky to apply, while I didn’t have any application issues with the darker shades. The formula on almost all (except Dynasty) is a bit on the thick side, but not as thick as let’s say the old Ciate Paint Pots. I’d call these real cremes. Not a single jelly (or jelly to creme) here. Pure cremes. In my book almost all shades are keepers. The winner for me is probably the Mount Royal shade. Unique shade (in my stash). So far I’ve worn the Manila and Palm Springs shades as a full manicure and I must say that both wore really well. After two days of wear I didn’t have any major chips, just some tiny ones. I’m quite impressed with American Apparel polishes so far.
Have you already tried the American Apparel polishes? How is your impression of them?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
A sprejemate želje? :D
Reeees bi si želela čim prej vidt Hunter-ja na nohtkih!
wow!! i bet ur nails will be very busy in nail swatches!! :nails:
Imela bi Mount Royal, Peacock, Malibu Green :w00t:
kolk jih je :stars: in kako so lepi… :wub:
love this brand !!
We only have an American Apparel outlet store. The polishes there are not discounted. I was disappointed about that. I’m seeing Peacock swatched on the blogs and wondering if I just might get that one.
All those colors lined up like that is too tempting!!! :nervous:
V stekleničkah mi sploh niso bili všeč… Na tem ovalčku pa so čisto vsi čudoviti!!! :stars: Še svetli so mi všeč, verjetno zato, ker so super prekrivni. Kakšni bodo ti lakci šele, ko bodo na vaših nohtkih…
Hitro na delo, punce. :happy: Mene ful firbec matra. :biggrin:
Komaj čakam swatch Hunterja in Passport Blue, da ju vidim od blizu, sploh Hunterja, ker imam občutek, da vleče na zeleno, sicer pa se slinim še nad Peacock in Malibu Green. Berry je videti totalno moja barva, ki pa jih imam že nekaj na zalogi. Ah, pa Office je prav simpatičen, imela bi ga, če ni preveč podoben Mint Candy Apple. 5 lakov ni problem najti in zapisati na WL, denarnica že išče vrv za pobeg skozi okno. :whistle: Sem zgrešila vaše vire naročanja, ali so skrivnost? Lepi so, lepi. :)
Rose Bowl, Malibu green, Office, Palm Springs!!! Ti so najlepši :yes:
I love your first line-up of all the shades :wub:
I’ve only got 3 (mount royal, passport blue& peacock) so far and the rest doesn’t really appeal to me… I wonder how the topcoat is.. might be tempted to buy a 3 pack of this :whistle:
oh and I forgot to say: there seems to be a new flakie- from s-he and the number is 208, a orangy red
I don’t know if it is in their permanent display or just another unanounced le :think:
Vsaj še Malibu Green bi imela. :wub:
.-= Gejba´s last post … My new Flormar, Gabrini and Golden Rose polishes =-.
joj, kako so lepi :wub: vsaj polovico bi jih imela :yes: