Manila smiling :)

The American Apparel – Manila is such a sunny and happy shade and it reminds me of a person who makes me happy! So the only logical thing to do, was to do a happy konadicure with Manila.

Konadicure: American Apparel - Manila + IP T28 with Konad black special polish
American Apparel – Manila (2 coats) + IP T28 with Konad black special polish

Keep smiling!

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11 thoughts on “Manila smiling :)”

  1. iii kako lušno :wub:   tale je pa res nasmejana manikura :silly:
    .-= Lyra´s last post … Ciate: Main Stage + Konad =-.

  2. wow!! :w00t:  I never thought that theres a polish from where I cam from…im not a big fan of yellow polish but i think this looks so great!! :nails: i love smiley design u stamped over ur Manila Polish!! :happy:
    keep smiling sweety!! I miss u!!


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