p2 – Fancy

I guess I’m currently in blue period.

p2 Fancy is fantastic, not to dark, blue polish with metallic look. 

Application is not very problematic, but since it’s a little bit frosty, I recommend you take your time for applying this polish. I used two layers + top coat.

p2 - Fancy swatch
p2 – Fancy: sun

It’s cloudy today so the first photo was taken in week sunlight and second in mostly clouded weather. 

p2 - Fancy swatch
p2 – Fancy: cloudy

If you love blue polishes, you have to have this one – it’s cheap (1,55 EUR), gorgeous and quality is good.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

19 thoughts on “p2 – Fancy”

  1. Joj Gejba ne mi spet lušte delat. Včeraj sem šla na lov za Alessandro modrim ki si ga predstavila v prejšnjem postu pa ga nisem dobila :unsure: te znamke ki jo zdaj predstavljaš pa sploh ni v Slov – izgleda bom vse lahko občudovala le na tvojih nohtih :ermm: .

  2. love the blue on u… whenever I see blue polish Maestra always came into my mind for Shes the only person I know who loves the blue polishes..LOL :yes:


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