I promise you, this will be the last post from our trip to Zrce. I know you all are here mainly because of the make up and nail polish and I bore you with pictures of … well not-make-up. Luckily there are other Parokeets ladies who are writing great nail polish related posts.
Here we go … Yesterday I already told you about a beautiful and peaceful place not far from the Zrce beach. Well, today I have some pictures of that place and creatures that live there.

The “path” you see in the picture above … well, tide floods it. The pictures above was taken at 9am and at noon it was almost completely flooded. I don’t have a picture to prove it to you, because it’s nothing special. Just water. Fortunately I had my jelly shoes with me as you’ll see in one of my following pictures.
As we walked along the path and I took pictures of everything. First thousands little moving things caught my eyes. I took a closer look in the water and by my very surprise, I saw lots and lots of almost transparent shrimps or prawns. I was in seventh heaven. I have three freshwater aquariums at home and in all of them there are freshwater shrimps. If you have that in mind, you can imagine how amazed I was to see these little creatures in their natural environment. I couldn’t get a good picture of them, because they are very fast and transparent and they blend with the surroundings. Here’s what I’ve got …
Look at the next ones abdomen. Do you see tiny round dark spots? These are eggs. Yes, she’s going to have babies.
Some of them weren’t shy at all.
In case you were wondering … Wet’n’Wild – Lime Time on my thumb.
We found some “empty” shells.
At least we thought it was empty, but when I used it as a scenery for my Barry M photoshooting and the water filled it, a little creature peered out.
An anemone, looking funny and interesting …
One of the highlights of the day was seeing some big crabs. I haven’t seen such big crabs before. At least not in nature.
And maybe the biggest highlight of the day: it turned out I had a stalker there. This little funny guy, followed me a long way …
Really, I’m not kidding. He was following me quite some time. See how he showed his love?
He “hid” under my jelly shoe. :D (Sorry for the chipped pedicure, but jelly shoes aren’t gentle to your pedicures.) It was so funny. I laughed and was afraid at the same time. Afraid that he would pinch me and laughed for obvious reasons.
I don’t know why this little guy followed me, but my theory is, that he saw me at Parokeets blog and he wanted a pedicure. Good theory? Little guy, I hope you are already a GFC follower.
To be serious, I believe he was following my shadow. But I could be wrong …
That’s what I have for you today. I hope you liked at least some of it. As I wrote before, for me this was the best hiking trip in a long long time …
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Res krasne fotke, krasen prispevek! :wub:
Me pa zanima, če si imela internet s seboj, si ga našla tam.. Ali kako si tako redno objavljala fotke? :rose:
Hvala. :rose: Bila sem v zasebnem apartmaju z internetom. :party:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Swatch and review- Basic Beauty eyeshadow and nail polish =-.
krasno! fotke in opisu, superca :thumb:
Omg! Krasen prispevek! :w00t: Všeč mi so mi predvsem fotke kozic :wub: – sploh tista, ki bo imela bebice :love: :silly: Res krasne živalice! In fotke so ti pravzaprav super uspele :) Pa rakec sploh tisti, ki ti je sledil je super lušten :party:
Thank you ladies for so many kind comments! :rose: I’m happy that you liked my pictures. You all know I love taking photos and I’m sure there will be more posts like that in the future. :pic:
.-= Maestra´s last post … We rescued a swallow today- =-.
uau, hude fotke Maestra!!
Čudovite fotografije. Ful se mi dopade zalezovalec :naughty:
Jaz ga ne bi slikala, bi zbežala stran :haha: :haha:
Super prispevek, čudovite fotke….. HVALA
Res lepe fotke! Še ena oboževalka zalezovalca. Jaz bi tudi bežala pred njim… :haha:
.-= Mamy´s last post … American Apparel – Cotton and green Vollare Joy – 100 =-.
Great pictures!!!!
Nature is always so beautiful :wub:
I loved the little shrimps! They look like they would glow in blacklight for some reason…hehehe
Zalezovalec je pravi cortek. :love:
I loved all of it. Fantastic pictures. Thank you. Wonderful to see clear waters and wildlife. :wink:
Prečudovite slike…predvsem rakec me je fasciniral! Še več takšnih prispevkov Maestra :wink: