We rescued a swallow today!

This little hero was the first who jumped out of the nest in order to learn how to fly. He didn’t make it. He fell on our balcony.

Maestra's summer vacation - Pag day 12: Swallow's rescue

He was very afraid. We didn’t know what to do with him. He just sat there and from time to time he tried to fly, but he didn’t have the space, the height or anything to be successful with that. We decided it would be a good idea if we caught him and put him back in the nest.

Maestra's summer vacation - Pag day 12: Swallow's rescue

At first he tried to escape, but then he just gave in. He waited to be caught. He was such a brave little fellow. Look at those eyes …

Maestra's summer vacation - Pag day 12: Swallow's rescue

When we tried to put him in the nest, he flew away. Yaaay! He flew!!! We were soooo happy! I had tears in my eyes and was just … happy …

Shortly after that another one tried to fly out of the nest. And he succeeded.

Maestra's summer vacation - Pag day 12: Swallow's rescue

What a happy day!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

18 thoughts on “We rescued a swallow today!”

  1. Aaa kako luškan baby pogled ima na sliki, kjer jo držijo roke :hmm: Super prispevek s super slikami :party:


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