Here is the blue part of my stash …
There are probably some more hidden somewhere in the drawers but I think these are most of them.
I can’t even tell you how much work the reorganization is! OMG, I’m exhausted and I’m not even near the end.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
omg :wub:
Čisto iz firbca – si že kdaj poskusila koliko imaš dvojnikov? Jaz vsake toliko preverim tako svoje rdeče lake, pa še vedno vsake toliko prinesem kakšnega dvojčka domov … Sicer pa impresivna slika, KOMAJ čakam zelenkote! :yes:
Nope. Prav načrtno se ne spravljam k iskanju dvojnikov. Le če se mi kakšen zdi res podoben in za kakšne primerjave za blog ipd.
Fotka zelenkotov kmalu. ;)
Fantastic blues! I NEED some American Apparell polishes – they just look so amazing in the pics and I love the bottles!
I can only say good things about American Apparel polishes. I love them and think they are great quality (some are maybe a bit too thick but you can thin them, right?). I also love the bottles.
:stars: :stars: :stars:
OMG you really like blue nail polishes :thumb: Great collection!
Oooh i love these stashpics ! :love: :happy:
Wow! That’s a huge collection of blues… Envy you! :)
V spodnjem desnem kotu je Kiko, ki sem ti ga jaz prinesla :happy:
Uff kakšno težko/simpatično delo imaš ti. Verjamem, da je zelo naporna reorganizacija lakov pri takšnem številu kot jih imaš ti ;)
A jih šteješ? Al ne upaš? :wub:
Jaaaaaaa, tisti Kiko je pravi lepotec!!!! <3
Delo končano. Vesela sem, da mi je uspelo. Upam, da se bom na novo ureditev navadila...
Mah, štejem ali ne štejem, upam ali ne upam. Seveda upam. ;) Tabelca šteje. ;)
I love them all :)
:stars: WOW :w00t:
Big collection :)
wow :w00t:
aaaaaaa hello kitty vidim vmes :w00t:
Jaaaaaa LOL
How many bottles you have? All, not just blues.
A lot. :D Don’t know the exact number.
Wow, so many Blues :D
O my god… sigh. That are a lot of polishes, and they’re gorgeous!