Review and swatches: Essie – Summer 2010 collection

I have to admit that I’ve always loved Essie polishes and I have A LOT of them. I love the bottle shape. I love the brush. I know that they have too many sheers and reds and that there’s lack of interesting colors. And I know that some Essies can be streaky (I have to tell you that the formula has improved ). Yes, I know all that, but I still love them. And lately Essie has come out with some great collections! Today I’ll show you their current collection for summer, which I got for review from Čarodejka (a Slovenian Essie seller).

Demure Vixen is a very lovely light mauve shade with purple shimmer. It’s on the sheer side but it’s buildable. There are two coats in the picture below.

Swatch: Essie - Summer 2010: Demure Vixen
Essie – Summer 2010: Demure Vixen (2 coats)

Here’s a close up of the shimmer.

Detail: Essie - Summer 2010: Demure Vixen
Essie – Summer 2010: Demure Vixen

Haute As Hello is a creme light coral. It dries to a satin finish. I put it under the black light but it’s not a real neon. It doesn’t “glow” that much under the black light. There are two coats shown in the picture below.

Swatch: Essie - Summer 2010: Haute As Hello
Essie – Summer 2010: Haute As Hello (2 coats)

Knockout Pout is a neon hot pink. It dries to a satin finish. This one is neon. It “glows” under the black light but not as much as last years neons by Essie.

Swatch: Essie - Summer 2010: Knockout Pout
Essie – Summer 2010: Knockout Pout (2 coats)

Under the black light …

Swatch: Essie - Summer 2010: Knockout Pout
Essie – Summer 2010: Knockout Pout (2 coats) under the black light

Miss Matched is a very light pink creme shade with lilac undertones. It’s surprisingly pretty. It’s on the sheer side. There are two coats shown in the picture below.

Swatch: Essie - Summer 2010: Miss Matched
Essie – Summer 2010: Miss Matched (2 coats)

Pretty Edgy is the star of the collection for most people and for some it’s just disappointing. For me, it’s definitely a winner! I love it! It’s very close to one of my favourite greens of this summer – Barry M – Spring Green. Pretty Edgy is a bit darker. The formula on this one could be a bit thicker. Most pople are disappointed because it’s a three coater. Well, I’m not, because for me two coats were enough.

Swatch: Essie - Summer 2010: Pretty Edgy
Essie – Summer 2010: Pretty Edgy (2 coats)

Vermillionaire is an orange creme leaning toward red. Two coats shown in the photo below.

Swatch: Essie - Summer 2010: Vermillionaire
Essie – Summer 2010: Vermillionaire (2 coats)

I didn’t have any problems with the application, which is a big plus! Pretty Edgy and Demure Vixen could have been more pigmented and not as watery as they are. Miss Matched was a bit streaky for me, but far from some other sheer shades from Essie. Knockout Pout applied great for a neon shade and it was very pigmented. Vermillionaire was a dream to apply. All in all, great collection in terms of application.

I can’t believe there’s not a single red in the collection!!! While I don’t love the whole collection (I’m not a pink and coral lover), I do love Pretty Edgy and I think Demure Vixen is very pretty too.

Bottom line is, it’s a solid collection in terms of color and great collection in terms of application.

Please let me know in the comments how you like the collection? Are there any interesting shades for you?

I’ll have some comparisons for you soon. And even before comparisons I’ll have for you swatches of the fall collection. Stay tuned!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

19 thoughts on “Review and swatches: Essie – Summer 2010 collection”

  1. I never realised that until I saw you pics but isn’t Demure Vixen like a lighter, springtime version of Paradoxal? It looks a bit like that from the close-up of the shimmer.

  2. I had a Pretty Edgy, but it didn’t suit me :cry: And it was my one and only polish from Summer Collection. And it’s a shame, that there isn’t any reds. Shame, shame, shame.
    And I’m also Essie addict. I love everything about this polishes. EVERYTHING :happy:

  3. Rada bi videla kakega bratca ali bratranca od Demure Vixen, če obstaja… Pa primerjavo drugega (sivkastega) zelenkota z Make up factory – 123 :yes:

  4. Olala, že dolgo ni bilo Essie kolekcije, ker bi mi bila všeč kar dva odtenka! Demure Vixen je zame zmagovalec tele kolekcije pa sem fanatik zelenkotov, tako da to nekaj pove! :wink: In pa seveda Pretty Edgy! Demure Vixen si gotovo nabavim, čisto sem se zaljubila vanj na tvojem swatchu. Sicer spet trije sloji (žal se med tistimi, ki zahtevamo 100% prekrivnost), ampak vseeno … barva je vredna izgleda, čudno, da mi je tako zelo všeč, ko pa imam raje udarne barve, vendar se mi zdi res poseben … Pri primerjavah navijam za Pretty Edgy dvojčka, čisto zato, ker se mi zdi že viden, pa me zanima, kje sem ga že videla. :wink: In pa seveda Demure Vixen, zgolj zato, ker me zanima, če sploh obstaja kak 100% dvojček. Prav poimenske primerjave ne vem. Zdi se mi kot manj pigmentiran Angora Cardi, s shimmerjem, shimmer je zmaga, manjša pigmentiranost morda ne, ampak zato rabim oba. ;)
    Super prispevek, super swatchi, super nohti! :thumb: Čakam še jesen, danes me je Essie presenetil … :hmm:

    • Ulmiel, hvala za komentar (vedno sem vesela tvojega komentarja, ker se tako potrudiš). :rose:

      Ja, žal trije sloji, vendar se na srečo Essie-ji hitro sušijo in po moje trije sloji niso težava. ;)

      Pretty Edgy dvojčka že iščem. Zdi se mi, da mu je v moji zbirki še najbolj podoben Barry M – Spring Green.

      Demure Vixen pa sumim, da nima dvojčka ali brata v moji zbirki. Primerjala sem ga s Sand Of A Beach od Essie, a sta morda nekje bratranca. :D No, bom še malo globlje kopala … ;) Angora Cardi je veliko temnejši … Demure Vixen je res zanimiv in bo verjetno na vsakem malo drugače izgledal. V določeni svetlobi je lila šimer bolj očiten in dobi lep lila lesk, v določeni svetlobi je bolj nude. Pač, kompleksna in zanimiva kombinacija.

      Jesen pa … lahko samo napišem, da je fenomenalna. Še boljša! Vsaj zame.

      .-= Maestra´s last post … Review and swatches- Essie – Summer 2010 collection =-.

      • O, me veseli, da so ti moji komenatrji všeč, včasih me namreč malce zaskrbi, če ne nakladam preveč v njih. :blush:  Bolj klepetave sorte, pa še nailpolish&MU fanatik, potem se pa v komentarju na lake in make up kar pozna. :wink:
        Ja, jesen me pa že prav firbca, že po tisti paleti na teaserju pred swatchi imam nekaj ogledanih (in sklepam, da so jesenske, če jih ni bilo v tem prispevku).


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