Wild Love Forever

I got this 60 pieces ball puzzle from my darling a while back.

Frankenpolish - Opportunity with Rival de Loop - Starlight, Wild Love Forever ball puzzle

The background is a hoodie I bought last year in NYC. It’s a New York Hard Rock Cafe hoodie. Love it!

The nail polish I’m wearing is a layering combo with Rival de Loop – Starlight (1 layer as top coat) and a franken (2 coats as a base) I made. The franken is mixed with Catrice – Back to Black and S-he white polish. I named my franken Opportunity, because Back to Black I bought had a broken cap and I had to pour it in another bottle. The bottle I used was bigger. Voila, there was the opportunity for my franken.

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7 thoughts on “Wild Love Forever”

  1. That’s so pretty! I *love* the puzzle ball, it’s a sweet sweet gift! The hoodie is pretty darn cute too. The nails are a gorgeous combination of color and sparkle.


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