Review and swatches: Essence – Denim Wanted! Trend Edition

Yes, another Trend Edition by Essence. This time it’s called Denim Wanted! There are some very interesting products in the collection. Unfortunately I couldn’t get everything I wanted (yet). Today I’ll show you, what I got until now.

Essence - Denim Wanted Trend Edition

Essence - Denim Wanted Trend Edition swatches

I got both of the gel eyeliners: Vintage Style and Fivepocket Grey. Vintage Style is a creme black. Fivepocket Grey is a gorgeous metallic silver. I didn’t have any problems while applying the eyeliners. There is a small brush included in the box. The brush is really small, but I don’t think it’s useless. I used it today for my make up (see below) and didn’t have problems with it. The handle is short, but otherwise it’s good. In the picture above you can see, how does the bristles look like and how the brushes perform their job. I applied each of the gel eyeliners in the photo above with the included brush. The thin line is made with the narrow side of the brush and the wide line with the wider side of the brush.

Next I got one of the eyeshadow duos I Love My Jeans. It’s a pink and light grey combo. The shades are light. The pigmentation is OK. The eyeshadow crumbles a bit, but less than the quattro eyeshadow combo from the We Saw It First TE.

Below is a make up I made with the products described above. The silver e/s is applied over the whole eyelid and in the crease. The pink e/s is applied in the inner corners and over the crease. The upper eyeliner is made with the silver gel eyeliner. For the lower eyeliner I used the black gel eyeliner, which I smudged.

Make up: Essence - Denim Wanted TE: I Love My Jeans, Vintage Style, Fivepocket Grey by Maestra

Make up: Essence - Denim Wanted TE: I Love My Jeans, Vintage Style, Fivepocket Grey by Maestra

I’ll end this review with a gorgeous grey creme nail polish, called Fivepocket Grey. It’s a great grey shade. Dark but not too dark. I see a bit brown or even green hue in it. Love it! The application wasn’t problematic. Just make sure you have enough polish on the brush. There are two coats in the photo below.

Swatch: Essence - Denim Wanted Trend Edition - Fivepocket Grey
Essence – Denim Wanted Trend Edition – Fivepocket Grey (2 coats)

And a bonus photo … a “konadicure” made with a Bundle Monster BM16 image plate and a matt top coat from Essence. Yes, you can use matt top coat for stamping, just work with the speed of light.

Swatch: Essence - Denim Wanted Trend Edition - Fivepocket Grey with IP BM16 with Essence - matt top coat
Essence – Fivepocket Grey (2 coats) with IP BM16 with Essence – matt top coat

I hope you liked my review. Please let me know in the comments. I love to read them.

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21 thoughts on “Review and swatches: Essence – Denim Wanted! Trend Edition”

  1. just got my gel liner today! :) They’re really good!
    Now I just need to get that polish!
    P.S. – the flower stamp decor is gorgeous!

  2. Oh, I want the gel liners (I can’t wait to compare the silver one to the one by Sleek) so bad. I hope that the 3 dm store in my shit-pit city get the LE asap! Lovely eye make up, btw.:thumb:

  3. Če se ne motim sem imela priložnost MU in konadikuro videti v živo. Moram priznati, da niso ravno tvoje barve in te nisem navajena s tako nežnim MU-jem. Igrati se z mat nadlakom. OMG jaz imam včasih že probleme s Stargazer laki :haha:  drugače pa super ideja. Valjda, da jo je treba preizkusiti :yes:

  4. Fivepocket Grey looks so darker on the nails! But I like it, I hope they will be delivered to Poland… Most of Essence’s limited editions aren’t available here :cry: :cry: :cry:

  5. O, srebrn eyeliner mi je zelo všeč. Na tvoje oči krasno pride, ne vem, kako se bo obnašal z mojimi rjavimi (tisti kanec zelene pomoje ne bo rešil zadeve) … me pa mika preverit. :) Manikura je več kot fantastična, igra z mat nadlakom je fenomenalna. Konada ne maram preveč, ampak v tej obliki je prelep. :stars: Barva lakca sicer ni v mojem arsenalu barv, ki jih obožujem.
    Nasploh me te LE od Essence ne navdušujejo pretirano, po pravici povedano … zadržke imam že zaradi samega dejstva, da je nova LE malodane vsak teden in res igrajo na to karto, da se čimprej vse pokupi … morda sem krivična, ali pa me jezi dejstvo, da potem res ne dobim ničesar v LJ, ker je vse razgrabljeno. :wink: Kakorkoli, srebrn eyeliner, hm hm … bojim se, da ga rabim. :wink:

    • Hvala, Ulmiel! :rose: Srebrn liner je res super in zelo obstojen! Upam, da se bo tudi na dolgi rok obnesel in se ne bo že jutri posušil. Za to ceno ga je vsekakor vredno preizkusiti. Upam, da ga najdeš.

      Glede TE se strinjam. Ker so zadeve tako ugodnih cen, rabijo stranke, ki to skoraj dnevno kupujejo. Sicer ne bi preživeli. Mora se vedno nekaj dogajati. Biti vedno znova kaj novega. Priznam pa, da sem tudi sama že utrujena od nenehnega oprezanja za kolekcijami. Še dobro, da je Parokeetk več in s skupnimi močmi najdemo reči, da vam jih lahko pokažemo. :wink:

      .-= Maestra´s last post … EOTD- Something went wrong … =-.

  6. Mislim, da meni niti svetlobna hitrost ne pomaga, da bi mi uspelo narediti vzorček z mat nadlakom. :biggrin:

    Siv liner sem si kupila po tvojem priporočilu in mi je zelo všeč. :love:

    • Ja, res je malo tricky. Ne smeš razmišljati ama ništa. Samo štempljati in kako bo, bo. :biggrin: Je pa lep efekt. :wub:
      Me veseli, da ti je všeč. :happy:


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