Review and swatches: Essie – Fall 2010 collection

I’m really excited about Essie’s fall collection. It is probably my favourite collection from Essie so far. I absolutely adore half of the collection and I like the other half. Isn’t that great? Enough of my babbling … let’s move on to the photos …

In Stitches is an interesting shade with creme finish. I just can’t describe it. I mean, it’s something between rose, mauve, red … something like that. I like it. No application issues. There are two coats shown in the picture below.

Swatch: Essie Fall 2010 - In Stitches
Essie Fall 2010 – In Stitches (2 coats)

Little Brown Dress is a very dark brown. It’s an almost black shade. Very nice vampy shade. You can see it’s not black, but it’s almost … well, black. No application issues. Two coats in the picture below.

Swatch: Essie Fall 2010 - Little Brown Dress
Essie Fall 2010 – Little Brown Dress (2 coats)

Limited Addiction is a gorgeous red creme with jelly glossiness. It’s very similar to Essie – Bordeaux, which is my favourite red creme/jelly. No application issues. Two coats in the picture below.

Swatch: Essie Fall 2010 - Limited Addiction
Essie Fall 2010 – Limited Addiction (2 coats)

Merino Cool is a “Metro Chic” shade. Most of you probably know $OPI’s Metro Chic. Well, Merino Cool is an almost dupe. It’s not an exact dupe, because it’s let’s say half a shade lighter than the Metro Chic, but really really close (see the picture below). The application is unfortunately also similar, which means that it’s watery and it needs three coats to be fully opaque. But I really don’t mind the third coat, because it dries fast and it’s such a nice shade.

Swatch and comparison: Essie Fall 2010 - Merino Cool (vs. Sephora by OPI - Metro Chic)
Essie Fall 2010 – Merino Cool vs. Sephora by OPI – Metro Chic (3 coats each)

Sew Psyched is my favourite of the bunch. It’s such an interesting shade. It’s greyed green or something like that. And they threw in tiny silver shimmer. The shimmer is almost invisible, but it’s nice anyway. No application issues. It’s well pigmented. There are two coats in the picture below.

Swatch: Essie Fall 2010 - Sew Psyched
Essie Fall 2010 – Sew Psyched (2 coats)

Velvet Voyeur is another almost black creme. This one is deep purple. It’s a gorgeous vampy purple or maybe eggplant. There are two coats shown in the picture below.

Swatch: Essie Fall 2010 - Velvet Voyeur
Essie Fall 2010 – Velvet Voyeur (2 coats)

As I wrote in the introduction, I love the collection! It’s very fall appropriate and there are some trendy shades, one gorgeous red shade and two vampy shades. What else do you want? Maybe more shimmer polishes? I don’t mind, because I love cremes at the moment. What about you?

Please let me know in the comments, what do you think about the collection? Which shade is your favourite? Well … I’d like to read your thoughts about Essie fall 2010 collection.

Special thanks goes to the Slovenian Essie seller Čarodejka, who gave me the whole collection for review.

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31 thoughts on “Review and swatches: Essie – Fall 2010 collection”

  1. Živjo!
    Že nekaj časa vas spremljam, zdaj pa imam eno vprašanje:
    Zanima me, ali je sew psyched podoben laku od makeup factory 123? Mi delujeta enaka (minus šimer)…
    Merino cool me pa spominja na parlez vous opi.

    • Živjo ;) Hvala za vprašanje!
      MUF 123 je kar nekaj temnejši od Sew Psyched. Parle Vous Opi pa se mi zdi, da je bolj vijoličen od Merino Cool.
      Upam, da najdem kmalu kaj časa, da uredim fotografije primerjav. ;)

    • Pri nas se jih še ne dobi. Sicer pa na uradni spletni strani od Essie piše tole: “mini 4pc includes: limited addiction, sew psyched, merino cool, and little brown dress” ;)

  2. Wow! I love this collection..
    I just came across ur site. Will surely follow you:-)
    If u have the time.. please visit and follow mine too:-D Tq

  3. Sew Psyched bih definitivno kupila,možda i Merino Cool…ostatak kolekcije već viđen,ništa naročito,ali da…smireni jesenski tonovi…a možda jesen ni ne mora biti smirena? :wink:

  4. Meni najljubši iz te v celoti super kolekcije sta mi In Stitches (ta odtenek se meni zdi “antično rdeč”, nekako isti občutek mi daje kot antično roza odtenki, tisti,  ki so kot pobrani iz starega tiska…) Velvet Voyeur – ki je zame absolutno zmagovalec!!! Merino cool mi je tudi všeč, a je na drugi stopnički. Limited Addiction – krasen, še en rdečko v katerega se kar zaljubiš…
    Kot vidim, bo spet mali bankrot zame… :scared:

  5. Thank you! This entry came just in time! Today I wanted to order some of these polishes but I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to have all the shades I had on my list so I wanted to buy them a bit later and then I saw your post. Great! Now I knew which shades I want to have and I just ordered them!

  6. Oooo! Sew Psyched in Limited Addiction pa moram imeti. Prelepo! S tem da sta Velvet Voyeur in In Stiches prav tako zelo lušna, sploh slednji. Velvet Voyeur je tiste vrste barva, na katero sem imela obsesijo nekaj časa nazaj in jih imam zato nekaj doma, pa trenutno ne ustreza moji zelena/shimmer/holografic/nenavadne barve obsesiji. :wink: Sew Psyched pa zelo lepo pokrije praktično vse, razen holografic. Zelo lepo.  Limited Addiction je čudovita rdeča, vendar me je spominla na Catricin Caught on a red carpet. Sta kje blizu, bi utegnila narediti primerjavo, prosim? :rose: Da vem, če se lahko izgovorim pri slabi vesti in denarnici, da potrebujem obe.  :whistle:    :angel:
    Sicer pa me krem finiš nikakor ne moti, sem med ljubiteljicami (tudi) tega finisha, mislim, da v moji zbirki vseeno prevladuje.  Nasploh precejšnje izboljšanje Essija za moj okus! Že v spomladni me je Vixen čisto obnorela, zdaj pa še dva “must have” in eden “why not”. :yes: Prijetno presenečenje, Essie! Tebi pa hvala za super swatche, Maestra! :)

    PS: že v prejšnjem komentarju me je opozoril, da komentar čaka na moderatorstvo, ste to zdaj uvedle ali je malce bolj previden ker sem prestopila na svoj uraden Google Account email? :)

    • Zelo lepa odtenka imaš za favorita!

      Žal nimam Catrice Caught in the Red Carpet, da bi lahko primerjala. :( Bom pogledala po zbirki, ali imam poleg že omenjenega Bordeaux še kaj podobnega. :think:

      Sew Psyched pa v moji zbirki nima dvojnika. Še najbližje mu je en lak od MUF, ki pa je temnejši in brez šimra. Planiram objaviti tudi primerjave. ;)

      Meni je znamka Essie že od nekdaj všeč. Zelo lične stekleničke, čopič mi je krasen in še nisem naletela na slabega. Formula se je v zadnjem času precej popravila. Upam, da bodo postali tudi pri barvah bolj drzni. ;)

      Hmm … ne vem, zakaj je šel tvoj komentar na čakanje. Bom povprašala Gejbo, ki je naša tehnična podpora. :wink:

      .-= Maestra´s last post … Review and swatches- Essie – Fall 2010 collection =-.

    • Parokeetke imamo kar nekaj “anti” spam zaščit, ki pošljejo komentarje pred objavo v moderiranje.

      Ena izmed njih je, da mora biti prvi komentar vsakega novega uporabnika odobren, prav tako pa morajo skozi rešeto vsi komentarji, ki vsebujejo link. To sta najpogostejša razloga, da je potrebno počakati, da administrator odobri komentar.

      In če ne gre ravno za očiten spam, je komentar vedno odobren. :yes:

    • Se strinjam, še najbolj “originalen” je Sew Psyched. Ampak ta originalnost … redko jo še vidim (verjetno predvsem, ker imam ogromno zbirko in imam že vse sorte odtenkov).  :hmm: Tudi Sew Psyched baje ni med “originalnimi”. RBL naj bi imel enega podobnega, a brez šimra. Meni je všeč, ker bo barva Metro Chic-a zdaj lažje dostopna, čeprav ni nova izumitev, je očitno barva še zmeraj precej popularna. :think: Dejansko sem mislila, da smo že prešli to taupe fazo, a je očitno še ni konec. No, jaz se ne pritožujem. :whistle:

      .-= Maestra´s last post … Review and swatches- Essie – Fall 2010 collection =-.


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