A day to remember … 10.10.10 and my B-day

– – – 10.10.10 – – –

What a great date! Three tens … And you know what? It’s also my B-day today! Yay!

I’ve had a great time today. I spent it with my wonderful family, who came to visit. Just so I wouldn’t be alone, because my boyfriend is on a business trip. I’m so happy to have such a great family! I love them so much! They love me and support me. They are just the best! We had a really great time today. We ate a lot. :D And we talked about everything. I was soooo happy to have them here. I just spoke to my boyfriend on the phone and I said to him, how happy I am to be surrounded with so much love. And I’m grateful for that! Yes, I’m a bit sentimental today (as you may noticed already). I hope you don’t mind. I won’t post any photos of today’s feast, I’ll just show you my B-day manicure.

Maestra's B-day manicure
Alessandro – Desert Rose + CND – Last Call

I used the glittery CND for the first time and I’m so happy I did, because it’s such a great glitter polish. It’s packed with red and silver-holo glitters. Perfect! I just don’t like the name – “Last Call”. Just because of the name I almost didn’t put it on my nails today. Isn’t that just sad? But I said to myself: “The last call I received was a very nice one. <3” And then I put on the glitters on my nails. It’s not hard to guess, who called me, right?

“Sweetheart, I miss u very very much!

Thanks to my wonderful family to make this day full of love and happiness!

Thanks to all my friends for all the kind words and wishes! Love you all!

I just wanted to share my happiness with all my readers today. Just because … there is not only sadness in this world. There are also very good days. Days to remember.

When was your last “day to remember”? Share with me some happy thoughts and memories in the comments. Make this day even brighter and shinier. Thank you!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

25 thoughts on “A day to remember … 10.10.10 and my B-day”

  1. :rose: So sorry I missed the actual day .  A very Happy Belated Birthday to you.  My birthday is on the 21st.  Birthdays were such fun when I was younger and still living at home.  Both my parents were alive and my Mom would make me a birthday cake.  Fudge Ribbon cake was my favorite.  The ribbon part was a cream cheese filling.  It was like cheesecake in the center.  My cousin and I shared the same birthday and we would often have birthday celebrations together.  It was wonderful.  Out last birthday together was when we turned 16.  There’s a picture of us sitting together with bright red faces!

  2. Malo z zamudo ampak vseeno: Vse najboljše ti želim!!! :rose:  Še veliko lepih manikur in Mu-jev in vsega kar si še želiš!! :party:
    .-= Lyra´s last post … Catrice- Bloody Mary To Go =-.

  3. i know its ur bday and i sent u sms did u receive?  I used my mobile number here in Manila.. im happy that u had a great time with ur special day.. miss u more sweety!! xoxo :wub:

  4. Maestra, vse najboljše za rojstni dan! :rose:
    Hihihi, a veš, da je bil moj rojstni dan pred 4-imi leti podoben, takrat se je pisalo 06.06.06. :silly:
    In zjutraj sem vstala ob šesti uri in počakala, da je minilo še šest minut in 6 sekund, takrat sem pa fotografirala uro, ki kaže tudi sekunde. Rezultat: šest šestic. :biggrin:

  5. Vse najboljše!!  :rose:   Zelo lepo, da si uživala, je bil res užitek brati prispevek, čisto nič dolgočasen ni, brez skrbi! :) Hm, moj zadnji poseben trenutek oz. nepozaben dan … morda ko sem po zelo napornih mesecih discipliniranega učenja in precej odrekanja zaradi študija opravila 4 velike izpite v enem tednu in s tem tudi prešla v višji letnik, kar združujem v paketek s presenečenjem fanta dan ali dva kasneje, ki mi je čisto iznenada obvestil sredi dneva, da greva in me v dobri uri (res impresiven rekord!)  “spakiral” na vikend na Bled za tri dni, ki so bili čudoviti. :wub:   :yes:

  6. Happy birthday! :happy:   I almost cried while reading your post.

    One of the most special days in my life was the day that I meet Parokeets ladies (we meet on the same day) for the first time in “flesh”. :yes:

  7. Happy birthday :D
    I wish you all the best.
    One of my most special days to remember is my wedding and it so happens tomorrow is my 1 year wedding anniversary   :happy:

  8. :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
    Happy B-Day
    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

  9. :ccc:   vseee  najboljse….. napisano res iz srca, mi je kr nekaj v oci padlo ( :blush: ). :haha: :party: lepo bodi


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