Yes – new Essence stampy plates already on official site

After finally seeing new Essence stampy plates on their official web site my reaction looked something like this. :D

My dear fellow addicts – let’s drool together.

Source (photos belong to Essence).

Now I can hardly wait to get my hands on them.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

40 thoughts on “Yes – new Essence stampy plates already on official site”

  1. love your blog posts :)
    i just found that essence do image plates, i have been using the konad and bundle monster ones.
    can u tell me where i can order the essence image plates online?
    please !! they look fantastic

    • Thx, mel. :rose:
      As far as I know they do not sell Essence online. If you’re from Europe, thy checking out you Muller and DM stores. I know they carry this brand in USA also, but I’m not sure in which drugstores.

  2. Te pa bom mogla vse imet!! :stars: Na vsaki ploščici je vsaj nekaj kar morem imet :wink: Tist All-star čevelj je zelo všečen, all-over vzorci pa itak :wub:
    .-= Lyra´s last post … Catrice- Bloody Mary To Go =-.

  3. Oooh i CAN’T wait ! The ones with the animal print are…. :happy: :happy: :happy:
    Now let’s hope these come in stores soon ! :yes: :thumb:

  4. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! :w00t: Upam, da bodo kmalu pri nas. :silly: Hvala za tako lepe informacije. :happy:


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