Alessandro released a new collection of eight mini nail polishes. They named it Go Fashion! As usual the price for the 5ml bottle is 3,95€. Again, there are some lovely colors in the collection. I got three for myself.

- Dusty Purple is a grey with lots an lots of purple to it or as the name says “dusty purple”. It has a creme finish.
- Green Genie is a very nice green creme. It’s a bit dusty. Not vivid. Not too dark. Love it!
- Desert Rose is a very very nice light grey that leans a bit on the beige side. It has also a nice gold shimmer. Lovely!
Have a nice weekend!
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
:biggrin: Love that green. Not too black looking.
alessandro should make their polish bottle a bit bigger for theyre polish is kinda expensive.. :smell: but i love all ur new alessandro shade love the dusty purple and green genie… :haha:
uh, tist tazadnji <3
.-= godisarockstar.´s last post … Little obsessions 4 =-.
Gejba, kako si lahko pozabila na zelenkota?! :w00t: :biggrin:
Dusty Purple bo moj! :nails:
Damn – pa še bila sem v Mullerju in pozabila vzeti zelenkota. :angry:
.-= Gejba´s last post … Challenge- Let’s rock with numbers =-.
Green Genie me je zamikal takoj ko sem jih opazila, res je super lepa barva. Vendar se mi je zdel preveč podoben Back to Paradise od Essence ali Hunterju od American Apparel pa še enemu, ki se ga trenutno ne morem spomniti, in sem se tako zadržala. Sem kaj blizu? :) No, pa tudi dejstvo, da sem zapravila ta mesec že odurno veliko za lake in posledično slaba vest sta me ustavila pri nakupu. :wink: Morda naslednji mesec … :angel:
Sve tri boje su krasne :thumb:
Vsi trije so mi zelooo všeč :wub:
.-= Lyra´s last post … Essence- Denim Wanted TE =-.
I’m wearing “dusty purple” at the moment, and love the color and finish.
Pictures are on my blog.
best wishes, Petra :wink:
very pretty. i thought the purple was grey at first glance.
Tudi tebi LEP VIKEND. UŽIVAJ! :rose: :rose:
Green genie je res čudovit. Desert rose mi ima zelo lepo ime, pa tudi barva mi je všeč.
Kaj če bi ustvarila manikuro v kateri bi uporabila vse tri lakce in ne bi uporabila ploščic, torej brez kondiranja :)
Kako težek izziv se ti zdi?
I like the green colour