Challenge: Let’s rock with numbers

It’s been a while since our last challenge. We finally found some extra time to organize one just for you dear readers. We appreciated all the emails you sent us with with suggestions and questions about the challenges on our blog.

Lately, numbers were source of joy, happiness and smiles on our faces along with wave of fresh energy for writing.
With each new Google Friend Connect or Facebook follower, we had more and more enthusiasm for writing new posts. We’re still figuring out, how come there are already more than 840 of posts, when it feels like we just stared to write the blog. :D

So – be wild, have fun and do the manicure or make-up look with Let’s rock with numbers theme … and then share it with us. 

Gejba prepared quick inspirational manicure for you. Who would have thought that image plate numbers would come in handy one day? :D

Essence: Purple Cherry + China Glaze: Sci Fi, Harmony, Adore konadicure
Essence: Purple Cherry + China Glaze: Sci Fi, Harmony, Adore

And the prize for the winner? Sponsor of this challenge is Essence, who is donating to the winner all the products you see on the below picture.

Parokeets contest: Let's rock with numbers - prize

Here are the rules:

  1. Subscribe to our blog with Google Friend Connect.
  2. Send us your photo of Let’s rock with numbers themed manicure or make up look (or both if you can squeeze them on the same photo)by the end of22.10.2010.
  3. Photo size must be 300 x 400 or 400 x 300 pixels. If you don’t know how to resize to exact number, HERE are the instructions.
  4. Photos must have evident authorship, so your signature (your user name) should look something like THIS at least on one photo.
  5. Send your photo to our email address Subject should contain your GFC nick and name of the challenge.
  6. If you have your own blog, forum, site (non commercial only) and would like to have a link included with your photo, please specify so in your email.
  7. Photos may not contain any URL addressees, only your nickname is allowed.
  8. All photos will be framed with Parokeets frame (”watermarked”).
  9. Every contestant must post a link to the contest somewhere on the Internet (beauty blog/forum/site) and include a link to it in the email along with your entry.
  10. Like always – challenge is open to everybody.

Voting won’t be the same as in our previous challenges. We took into consideration all your suggestions and added some of our mojo to come up with the voting we’ll all be comfortable with … at least we hope so. We’ll tell you all about it when the time for the voting comes.

Parokeets are already eagerly waiting for you masterpieces.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

25 thoughts on “Challenge: Let’s rock with numbers”

  1. To clarify – you have until the end of 22.10. to send us your photos.

    Pojasnilo: fotografije lahko oddate do petka do polnoči, tako da imate še cel dan časa. :yes:

  2. Parokeetke, imam problem pri spreminjanju velikosti. Če sem prav razumela, mora biti točno 300×400 oz. obratno razmerje? Ker če ohranim proporce, sicer lahko dobim sliko znotraj teh števil, npr. 400×280, točno pa ne. Sem poskusila tudi s svetovanim programom, ampak, kot rečeno, če nisem dala, da ne ohranja proporcov, mi točno na 400×300 ni hotel skrčiti. Vseeno zmanjšam? Hvala!

  3. Hmmmm, ampak tale Purple Cherry je pa sumljivo podoben dvema že obstoječima odtenkoma – Thelma (iz “dvojčkov) in Devi’ls Flavour (iz Sweet Temptation). Še vedno zelooo lep. :D

  4. Konkreten izziv, sploh, ker si nisem ravno blizu s številkami. Vendar že imam idejo za manikuro, upam da uspe. :yes: Čestitke za tako lepe številke na blogu! :)

  5. hmmm, zanimivo. Ne vem, če so številke ravno moje področje :haha: :haha: :haha:
    Do 22.10. je pa še daleč :) Pustimo se presenetiti. Nagrada pa kot vedno pri vas ZELO MIKAVNA :stars:
    Punce super ste! 840 postov. Kapo dol :drop: :drop:


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