EOTD and NOTD: Purple, blue, gold

Just a quick post of what I’ve been wearing on my nails and lids today. Actually you’ve already seen my NOTD, but you haven’t seen my EOTD yet. Here are they both together.

Illamasqua: Art Of Darkness - make up and manicure by Maestra

OK, I didn’t actually wear the false eyelashes, I just put them on for the photos. If all goes well, I’ll write more about the products that I’ve been testing in the past few days and that are part of my today’s EOTD tomorrow.

What is on your nails and eyelids today?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

8 thoughts on “EOTD and NOTD: Purple, blue, gold”

  1. :yes: Beautiful eye makeup and also love the nails.  I’m wearing Essie’s Ballet Slippers on my super short nubins.  I had to chop them all off!

  2. Čudovit MU, čisto v tvojem stilu. Moram priznati, da mi načeloma niso všeč umetne trepalnice :blush:
    Nekatere punce si jih nalepijo tako “grdo”, da imajo potem dvojne trepke :haha:
    Ampak danes me umetne trepelnice ne motijo. Super izgleda!!!!

  3. Rumena res ni moja barva ampak tebi pa celotna kombinacija zelo pristoji.
    Na mojih očeh  kavno rjava senčka ter rjav eye  liner (čisto subtilno zasenčeno) v kotičkih oči svetlejša kožna senca + črna maskara.
    Na nohtih pa Catrice It blue my mind +  Nfu Oh 53

  4. Waw :stars: tole izgleda magično :hmm: krasen MU in nohti :wub:   
    .-= Lyra´s last post … Essence- Denim Wanted TE =-.

  5. Nad tvojimi slikami se res lahko samo slinim, čudovito. :love: Oči so mi takisto všeč, čeprav nista moji barvi, rumena in modra, tebi kot zmeraj lepo pristoji in nanos je brezhiben. Nad nohti pa sem se že navduševala v Manhattan prispevku. :D
    Moje nohte krasi pred kratkim nanešena China Glaze BFF holo in mi je zelo všeč. Oči pa žal samo podočnjaki. :bljak:


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