Manhattan – Spice Up Your Nails Limited Edition

Can you believe that Manhattan came out with a whole collection for pimping up your nails? I guess more and more people are buying nail stuff, as more and more brands are releasing collections only with nail stuff. Isn’t that just great?!? Well, if you ask me, I can see the difference on the street. I’m seeing more and more gorgeously polished nails on the street and I’m spotting less french manicures than, let’s say, a year or two ago. Obviously people aren’t afraid of bold colours anymore, which is great! OK, let’s move back to the new limited edition from Manhattan. It’s called Spice Up Your Nails. There are six different shades of nail polishes in the collection, one matte top coat and two sets of nail stickers. Here’s what I bought for myself …

Manhattan - Spice Up Your Nails (77T, 610K, Metallic Chains nail stickers)
Spice Up Your Nails (77T, 610K, Metallic Chains nail stickers)

77T is a gorgeous dark blue creme. It’s very pigmented and if you’re careful enough, you can get away with only one coat. There are two coats in the photo below. I applied Essence matte top coat to some of my fingers.

Swatch: Manhattan: Spice Up Your Nails - 77T (+ matte)
Spice Up Your Nails – 77T (2 coats + matte)

610K is a dark purple creme. Very nice. It’s dark, but not too dark. The application is great. Unfortunately I don’t have a swatch of this one. Maybe I’ll add it later.

Metallic Chains are amazing nail stickers. The chains are silver and great designs. You cut them in desired lengths, place the stickers on your nails, gently press down and then apply one coat of top coat to seal the stickers. I love them!

I played a bit with my new stuff. That’s how my NOTD looks like …

Manicure: Manhattan: Spice Up Your Nails - 77T (+ matte) + 610K + Metallic Chains nail stickers
Manicure with 77T (+ matte) + 610K + Metallic Chains nail stickers

How did I create the look?

  1. one layer of base coat
  2. two layers of 77T (dark blue polish)
  3. one coat of Essence matte top coat on all the nails
  4. 610K (dark purple) applied on approx. half of the nails
  5. metallic chains applied on the nails where blue and purple polish meet each other
  6. one coat of top coat on the purple part and on stickers

A very easy look, you just have to take some time to do it. You can do the look with whatever colors you want. I know, that it isn’t very obvious that there are two different colors in the manicure, but I wanted it that way. I like subtle looks. I think it’s a fun look.

What do you think? Do you like the look? Which colors would you choose?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

30 thoughts on “Manhattan – Spice Up Your Nails Limited Edition”

  1. OMG, Maestra, tale manikura je pa perfektna! In jaz ne maram pretirano konad/nalepkic ipd. Ampak res fantastično! Ravno ujemajoča se odtenka mi res čisto zmagata. Perfektno, kapo dol, če bi jo imela. :D

  2. Wow, Maestra, tale manikura me je čisto navdušila! :stars:
    Si mi dala super inspiracijo, zagotovo bom poskusila ustvariti kaj podobnega s konadom in rožicami. :wub:

  3. Both those colours are great – I’ll look out for them when I’m in Germany next week.  The stickers look cool, any idea on how well they wear?

  4. uh, js mam enega rozastega iz te kolekcije, da dol padeš, pa mat nadlak je tut dober :)
    .-= godisarockstar.´s last post … Holy grail products! =-.


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