NOTD: Misa – Throw Me Something Purple Please

By Mamy

You know the feeling when you say – now this polish really rocks    

That means that it’s on the top of the list. And since I love blue and purple shades, this mix is simply made for me. Polish is a little bit more purple in the real life.

Throw Me Something Purple Please from “Misa Mardi Gras Collection for Spring 2010“.

Misa - Throw Me Something Purple Please
Misa – Throw Me Something Purple Please, 2 layers

Misa - Throw Me Something Purple Please

Application was easy. I added second layer just to even out the finish. Drying time was fast. Polish belongs to the creme finish family. This shade is to “die for” pretty.

Misa - Throw Me Something Purple Please

I have three other similar shades. Blue Misa It’s Electric and Color Club Chelsea Girl and purple Misa Total Eclipse Of The Heart. All of them are fantastic shades.

Did this polish touch your heart as much it did mine?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

11 thoughts on “NOTD: Misa – Throw Me Something Purple Please”

  1. S swatchev me spominja na “milko” barvo, ki je je bilo kar nekaj v zadnjem času in sem se je mičkeno prenajedla. :) Grape Pop, MisMas, en OPI … ipd. Vseeno, zelo lepa manikura!


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