Back from Prague and my first MAC nail polishes

I went to Prague with my friends last weekend. It was very nice. I’ve never been to Prague before. We only had less than a day for sightseeing. I know that’s not a lot, but it’s better than nothing, right? I took some photos and here are some impressions of Prague.

Prague 2010: Hradcany with the Prague castle
Prague 2010: Hradcany with the Prague castle
Prague 2010: Charles Bridge from the Hradcany
Prague 2010: Charles Bridge from the Hradcany
Prague 2010: on the Charles bridge
Prague 2010: on the Charles bridge
Prague 2010: from the Charles bridge
Prague 2010: from the Charles bridge
Prague - 2010: Wenceslas Square
Prague – 2010: Wenceslas Square
MAC store in Prague
MAC store in Prague

I didn’t have much time to shop, but I managed to get a few things from MAC.

Shopping in Prague - MAC
Shopping in Prague – MAC
  • Viva Glam Cindy lipglass and lustre lipstick
  • Venomous Villains Wicked Ways lipglass
  • Dry Martini nail polish
  • A Tartan Tale Style Clan nail polish (also pictured on my nails in the photo above)

Now I know why people love Prague. It’s a beautiful city! I hope I’ll have the chance to visit it again soon.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

14 thoughts on “Back from Prague and my first MAC nail polishes”

  1. super prispevek Maestra!
    Uff Praga! Jaz imam prečudovite spomine nanjo…nasploh mi je Češka ful všeč, tako mesta, kot pokrajina in ljudje! Pa še poceni je (no, Praga ravno ne). tudi jaz bi šla špe kdaj tja ja

    • Hehehe, ko sem jo zagledala, sem rekla svojim prijateljem, da če moram izbrati eno trgovino, v kateri bi kupovala tisti dan, izberem MAC. In že sem letela v trgovino. :haha:


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