NOTD: MAC – Style Clan from A Tartan Tale LE

Today I’m wearing a great nail polish made by MAC. It’s the first MAC nail polish I’ve tried. It’s from their newest collection caled A Tartan Tale and the name of the polish is Style Clan. It’s a dark taupe shade with copper shimmer or maybe even tiny flakes (enlarge the firsto photo below to see the shimmer). The polish is thin in consistency. It needs three thin coats to be fully opaque. The shimmer isn’t very prominent on the nails, but you can still see it. It adds depth and complexity to the polish and because of the shimmer it’s unique in my stash. Love it!

MAC A Tartan Tale: Style Clan
MAC A Tartan Tale: Style Clan

I know some people complain about the wear od MAC’s polishes. After one day the polish still looks perfect on my nails. No tip wear and no chips. I’ll see how long it’ll stay that way.

MAC A Tartan Tale: Style Clan
MAC A Tartan Tale: Style Clan
MAC A Tartan Tale: Style Clan
MAC A Tartan Tale: Style Clan

What do you think about Style Clan?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

5 thoughts on “NOTD: MAC – Style Clan from A Tartan Tale LE”

  1. A ni tako, da naj bi bil M.A.C ena izmed najbolj kakovostnih znamk..? In me res čudi, da niso laki obstojni…
    Meni je barva všeč, čisto po mojem okusu:)

    • Hmm, pri lakih je žal tako, da niso vsi laki na vseh enako obstojni. Celo tako je, da obstojnost variira od odtenka do odtenka (iste znamke). Potem je še odvisno od podlaka in nadlaka. V glavnem … obstojnost je rahlo tricky zadeva in je treba sprobat.
      Jaz recimo nimam pripomb nad obstojnostjo zgoraj opisanega odtenka. ;)

  2. Hmmm, tale mi pa sploh ni všeč. Daleč od mojega tipa barve. Ampak MAC me je do zdaj tako ali tako impresioniral samo z Bad Fairy. Ampak z njo pa res orto impresioniral. :drop:


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