Gabrini 214 is one of the funkiest holographic polishes in my collection. The color itself is already special – olive to golden green shade. Add a holo that is really, really shy and you get one very moody polish.

Holographic effect disappeared altogether on the photo, so try to imagine holo rainbow instead of silver particles. :D
I needed three layers to achieve full coverage and since it’s mini (no idea how many ml does it have since it’s not specified) it won’t last very long.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Zanimiv in lušten odtenek (meni pomoje ne bi pasal :undecided: ) :thumb:
Ampak je vseeno posrečen. :yes:
Norec od lepotca!!! :w00t:
This nail polish looks like a promise! Can’t you show more photos with more holographic goodness??? Pleeeeaaaasssseeeee!!!!!!!!!
If I manage to capture the holo effect, I’ll write another post about it. :yes:
Joj,ovo još nisam vidjela kod nas…predobro izgleda :stars:
Ja sam ga dobila iz Ukrajine. Ali se ne bi bunila kad bi ih se moglo dobiti kod vas. :biggrin:
Wow, pretty, even without the holo!
I have to admit, it’s not bad. :silly:
It’s a shame I can’t see the holo effect!!
Don’t worry – neither can I. Hope I have better luck next time … or should I say – hope I have sunshine.
Ajme, Gejba, šta mi to radiš? Svaki lak koji staviš me obori sa nogu!
Pa ovaj je malčice poseban. :biggrin: