Maybelline Mini Colorama – Electric Blue

The only Mini Colorama that caught my eye was Electric Blue shade (no. 80).

I love the color, but I don’t like bushy/soft brush, bubbling and slightly frosty finish.

Base is darker blue with hint of a violet. In the photo blue shimmer is way to visible because of the strong light, so the color is to bright and violet shade disappears altogether.

I used 2 coats + top coat.

Maybelline Mini Colorama - Electric Blue swatch by Parokeets

What do you think of Maybelline Colorama polishes? Would you recommend any of other shades?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

15 thoughts on “Maybelline Mini Colorama – Electric Blue”

  1. Meni je tale lak super :) kupila sem si ga danes, ker je res pravšnja barva za popestritev mature. Najbolj všeč mi je pa to, da mi je ena plast prekrila noht, čeprav nemorem reči da imam kratke nohte .. Barva pa itaaaak :thumb: :wub:

  2. Color of this nail polish is gorgeous, but when I applied it, it left bubbles on my nails  :unsure:
    I will give it a second chance, maybe I applied it too thich  :whistle:

  3. Colorame se izogibam nekaj všečnim odtenkom navkljub, ker sem slišala samo slabe kritike čopiča, nanosa in obstojnost. Nazadnje sem videla v živo rdečega, ki v steklenički izgleda res super, pa kolegici še po treh slojih ni uspel enakomeren videz, pravzaprav je izgledalo kot debelejši prvi nanos. Toliko živcev pa tudi jaz nimam. :bljak: :roll:   Tale modra je ena od tistih ki mi je bila všeč, vendar mislim, da so me dokončno odvrinili od nakupa.

  4. Sama imam dva lakca iz te serije, in sicer Party blue (št. 96) in Green park (št 95).  Gre za svetlo moder in svetlo zelen odtenek. Modri mi je super! Pri nanosu prve plasti sicer ne izpade tako dobro, ker je barva precej neenakomerna (ali pa samo jst ne znam enakomerno nalakirat :whistle: ), ampak pri drugem nanosu ta neenakomernost izgine, prekrivnost pa je popolna. Zeleni lak mi je tudi kar všeč, ampak manj kot modri. Je tudi bolj svetel, zato so za popolno prekrivnostdovolj šele tri plasti.
    S čopiči pa nisem imela nobenih težav, tudi z mehurčkanjem ne.
    Sem se pa zaljubila v tale tvoj odtenek :wub: . Zadnje čase me že nasplošno mikajo temnejši.

  5. Like akuma above me, I have only seen boring colours for Mini Colorama here, I’m not even sure I could find this one if I searched well (but I will try to get some informations on this point now, you give me an idea  ! :) )… France must not be THAT boring for Maybelline polishes after all ;)
    This colour is just fantastic, I love electric blues!!

    • I think our DM and Muller stores had those. I’m not even sure which shades are currently available here.

      I don’t see Electric Blue on the Maybelline France official site at the moment, but than again they have only few shades listed. :think:

  6. If Colorama wasn’t so boring here where I live I would give those a try…. But the colours are so ordinary… only reds and more reds and none of them is actually a new -_- so that blue is gorgeous but it’s a shame I don’t have it near me :P 

    • We got really interesting collection a while ago, but girls said the most interesting shades were 3 coaters, so I skipped most of the collection. :silly:


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