NEW image plates by Essence!

The new Essence image plates are finally available! I only bought one, because the others were sold out, but I’ll buy them as soon as they are going to be available again. Here’s the one that I got.

New image plate by Essence

And a quick swatch with MAC – Style Clan, China Glaze – Robotika and various images from the new image plate.

Swatch: New image plate by Essence (MAC - Style Clan + China Glaze - Robotika)
MAC – Style Clan + China Glaze – Robotika

What do you think about the images?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

27 thoughts on “NEW image plates by Essence!”

  1. čudovito. na žalost pa jaz že kar nekaj časa čakam nanje, ampak, ker sem iz majhnega mesta, je velikov prašanje, če jih bom sploh dočakala. :(

  2. ajme meni,jedva čekam da dođu do mog dm-a :stars:
    mislila sam da nikad ni neće bit u prodaji,čak su ih povukli sa svoje stranice,možda su ih u međuvremenu i vratili

  3. Waaahhh :wub:
    finally! I waited for plates with an complete covering motiv!
    I wish they’d sell essence here as well <<
    I'll totally buy those when I go to germany again~~ :happy:


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