The new Essence image plates are finally available! I only bought one, because the others were sold out, but I’ll buy them as soon as they are going to be available again. Here’s the one that I got.
And a quick swatch with MAC – Style Clan, China Glaze – Robotika and various images from the new image plate.
What do you think about the images?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
meni ovo treba :yes:
Omg, these look soooo amazing, i hope they come to holland soon :c
I have to look again for them :) The designs look gorgeous.
čudovito. na žalost pa jaz že kar nekaj časa čakam nanje, ampak, ker sem iz majhnega mesta, je velikov prašanje, če jih bom sploh dočakala. :(
Hvala vsem za komentarje! :rose:
Thank you for all the comments! :rose:
Ta na prstancu mi je najbolj všeč. :) Se mi zdi, da bi se dalo nekaj zelo lepih kombinacij naresti z njo. :)
Tudi meni je ta vzorček najbolj všeč. Zdi se mi, da bo kar veliko v uporabi. :yes:
ajme meni,jedva čekam da dođu do mog dm-a :stars:
mislila sam da nikad ni neće bit u prodaji,čak su ih povukli sa svoje stranice,možda su ih u međuvremenu i vratili
I ja sam mislila tako. Možeš si misliti, kako sam bila iznenađena kad sam je videla u trgovini. :stars:
Those look good! I’ll have to look for them!
Thank you for the heads up! Another reason to stalk the shop :)!
joj svidja mi se :hmm: jedva cekam ih pronac u nasim trgovinama :nervous:
Gorgeous to have , No need to worry about center the design again
I really like them
You are right, these images aren’t demanding at all. :yes:
oh wow. i didn’t know they were coming out with new plates. i hope they make it to the US. still haven’t spotted the metallic polishes :bljak:
Fingers crossed. ;)
oh!! so cool!! :D nice design too!
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOW WE’RE TALKING!! Looking forward to seeing those in my store!
That is great!!! I’d love to see these arriving in Ireland!
Waaahhh :wub:
finally! I waited for plates with an complete covering motiv!
I wish they’d sell essence here as well <<
I'll totally buy those when I go to germany again~~ :happy:
I like these a lot..where do you buy them?
I bought it in a local drug store called Muller.
that looks really nice ;3
Kakšna je pa velikost vzorčka v primerjavi s Konadovimi? :silly: In super, končno smo jih dočakali. :w00t:
Bom naredila primerjavo. ;) Po moje so približno enako veliki.
Yeee ^-^
I can’t wait to find them in my country!!!
I love it and cant wait to get my hands on them. :happy: