KOTD: Lace nails with Konad

Let me start by saying that this is not my idea. I’ve seen it on several blogs by now and I don’t know who’s idea was it originally. Although I don’t like laces in general, it seemed like a fun nail art to try.

I started with one coat of my newest nail polish: Make Up Factory – 180. It’s a nice creme nude shade. It’s almost a perfect nude shade for me. It’s just a bit too pink for my skin tone. It was very easy to apply. I like the new bottle shape. It used to be round and now the bottles are square. Very nice.

For the design I double stamped two all-over designs from the m57 and m71 Konad image plates. I used Essence – Stamp Me! black nail polish for stamping.

KOTD: Make Up Factory : 180 + Konad - m57, m71
Make Up Factory : 180 + Konad – m57 and m71

Although it all turned out the way I wanted, I don’t like the design. It so not me! I’ll probably remove it very soon.

What do you think about lace nails? And what is your perfect nude nail polish?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

16 thoughts on “KOTD: Lace nails with Konad”

  1. I like it just fine! I think it might make it a little more tasteful if the stamping wasn’t black? Maybe even a medium gray, or less contrast between the base and stamping colors?

    I’m going to go look for other lace pics now!

  2. Sem videla že na nekaj blogih ta konad design, pa moram reči, da mi ni preveč všeč. Nekaj me moti na mreži, pregosta je, se mi zdi. Tele MUF lake sem pa že gledala, en temno vijoličen je prav luškan, čeprav ne pretirano unikaten. Iskala sem zelenega, pa ga ni več nikjer dobiti. :(


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