NOTD: Nfu-Oh 548 with 45

By Mamy

Nfu Oh polish names are not really imaginative – they use numbers.I have two Pure Colors shades: red #548 and violet #282. Today is the day for red one.

Nfu Oh Pure Colors: #548

Nfu_Oh_Pure_Colors_548_swatchThis is very live red shade – it leans a little bit to orange side. It’s very pigmented – one layer would suffice. I used second layer only for touch-ups. Finish – creme.

I love it!


As I promised it previous post, I added one layer of Opal Series #45 polish. Unfortunately cloudy weather prevented me from catching the beauty of this combo.

Nfu_Oh_548_45_swatchDetail from the bottle …


And in case you still haven’t figured it our: I adore Nfu Oh polishes.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

15 thoughts on “NOTD: Nfu-Oh 548 with 45”

  1. Lep odtenek, sicer na mojo polt ne bi šel, tebi pa pristoji. Jaz imam od te znamke žal samo enega flekija, bi si pa želela še kakšnega od Pure Colors, ki jih kolikor vem pri nas ni mogoče dobiti.

    • Se strinjam, Ivana! :cute:
      V začetku so mi bile kičaste in dolgo časa je minilo, da sem se navadila nanje. Sedaj so mi ene najlepših sploh. :love:

  2. Fajn! :thumb: Jaz sem enkrat novembra iz Estonije narocila “samo” 3 Nfu Oh lake in sicer 56, 59 in 60, za rojstni dan sem pa dobila rdecega 131. :nails: Vsi se cakajo, da jih preizkusim…


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