I love lipglosses. Actually, I prefer them over lipsticks. They are easy to use. For everyday use I like softer shades and not very pigmented lip products. Although my lips aren’t big or very pretty, I still use more pigmented lip products from time to time. Only when I feel like it.
Here are my red lipglosses and lip creams.

Make Up Factory Color Gloss in shade 22 is like a liquid lipstick. It’s very pigmented and quite thick. It has gold shimmer.
MAC‘s Wicked Ways is a very nice and nicely pigmented lipgloss. I was pleasantly surprised by this one. I don’t know why, but I didn’t expect it would be as pigmented as it is. Nice surprise.
Catrice Glamourista is my latest addition. It’s crazy pigmented and such a nice color. Love it. I also love the applicator. It’s from the Glamourama collection.
Deborah Atomic Red Lacque is a fantastic liquid lipstick. It’s super pigmented, easy to apply, it’s matt and it doesn’t dry my lips. It’s from the Dandy Glam collection.
Essence’s Lunch At Cullen’s is a very nice well pigmented red lipgloss. It was a limited edition and now it’s probably very hard to find. Nevertheless a great lipgloss with nice shimmer.
Rimmel’s Vinyl Gloss in Be Dazzled should be easy to find (where Rimmel is sold). It’s sheer but it gives my lips a little color. It’s a nice everyday red lipgloss.
I don’t know if Alverde – Ruby Red is still available. I bought it a while ago. Another everyday sheer red lipgloss. It’s nice and a slightly more pigmented than the Rimmel’s lipgloss.
Essence – True Love is a nice and cheap lipgloss. It has a nice applicator.

What are your favourite red lipglosses and lip creams?
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Lunch at Cullen’s is one of my absolutely favourite red lipglosses. Sooo pigmented :thumb:
Red lips are so pin-up,I love ’em :love:
I have a similar post about affordable dark and red lip products,if you’re interested :wink:
My fave red lip gloss is Revlon Super Lustrous in Cherries in the Snow, it’s quite sheer, but still very pretty! :) x
Wow, Catrice Glamourista looks so pretty!
Catrice – Glamourista looks as stunning red. My favourite red lipgloss is L’oreal Glam Shine in Sheer Grenadine, which colourwise is something between MAC and Rimmel you swatched here.
And now I want some more red lipglosses :hmm:
Nobenega se ne bi branila. Krasni swatchi. :thumb:
There was a lipgloss I really loved, I actually kept it after the usable time expired! It was so pretty and smelled so good! A mixture between Rimmel’s Vinyl Gloss in Be Dazzled and MAC‘s Wicked Ways… I wore it every single day then the time expired and I kept what was left… unfortunately it started to smell like old make up and I threw it away… I’ve never seen it for sale since then. It’s already been about 6 years :( It was a very nostalgic lip gloss. From these you owe I’m in love with #22 by Make Up Factory Color Gloss :D
Catrice in Deborah sta mi res čudoviti. Res čisto bedno, da je Catrice iz LE. :bljak: Kaj hočem, zmeraj se zapičim v tiste ki jih ne morem več dobiti. :wink: Hvala za Alverdin swatch! Ruby Red že dolgo gledam na polici, zdaj pa se mi zdi, da je pretopel za moj ten … en zgrešen nakup manj. :yes:
Mimogrede, iz firbca sem šla preverit vaš prvi post, ko ste pisale o rojstnem dnevu bloga in prvega mi pokaže na današnji dan, 4.1. :) Tako da vse najboljše, Parokeets! :rose: Hvala za vse čudovite fotografije, tako izdelkov kot utrinkov iz vašega življenja.
Deborah se še da dobiti. Povsod še videvam Dandy Glam stojalo. ;) Catrice pa je žal verjetno že precej težko za dobit. Jaz sem ga po čisti sreči še dobila v Mullerju.
Hvala za čestitke! :party: Našega papagajčka smo že včeraj zvečer praznično oblekle. :biggrin: Jaz sem pa danes praznovala z Illamasqua paketom. :party:
catrice mi je najnajnajlepša od teh…
Od predstavljenih mi je najbolj všeč MAC.
Sama večinoma uporabljam šminke od glosov pa so mi zelo všeč Bourjois effet 3D volume&shine elixir (balm action moisture), ki je nepigmentiran vedar malo vlažilen kar je v tem vremenu zame velik +. Glosi ki jih uporabljam so rožnate barve (nekako mi za razliko od šmink rdeč glos na meni ni všeč), imam jih ‘samo’ 3, kar sem pred mojo zbirko šmink lahko skrije.
Jaz sem za šminke prelena in premalo pazljiva. Imam jih sicer kar nekaj, a vseeno večinoma so “manj zahtevni” odtenki. :lips:
:hmm: Deborah – Atomic Red Lacque is just so perfect to have , i really loved this shade , humm think it would be great to have it ,
I love your collection
Thats my favourites for now
Love all your red lipglosses collection hun..I love Rimmel Vinyl Gloss In Be Dazzled & MAC Wicked Way..Both gorgeous colors.. :w00t: