Zoya – Crystal (Flame collection)

I loved it the first time I saw it. I knew I have to have it. So here it is, Zoya – Crystal from the Winter 2010 Flame collection. It’s a light blue metallic with gold irregular shaped glitter. The glitter looks like tiny gold flakes. And the best part is, that the glitter is also visible on the nails (not only in the bottle). The down side is that the polish itself is a bit sheer and it needs about three coats to be fully opaque. But you can always layer it. In fact, I think it looks best layered over dark blue or black polish. Because dark base gives it depth.

Swatch: Zoya - Crystal (Winter 2010 Flame collection)
Zoya – Crystal (Winter 2010 Flame collection) layered

The funny thing about Crystal is, that I like it better in the shade. The glitter looks better in the shade, while in the sun … well, it sparkles but not in a good way. At least for my taste.

Swatch: Zoya - Crystal (Winter 2010 Flame collection)
Zoya – Crystal (Winter 2010 Flame collection) layered

What do you think about Crystal? Like it or not?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

21 thoughts on “Zoya – Crystal (Flame collection)”

  1. Si moraš mislit, da me tale še ni čisto prepričal? Upam, da ne bom zdaj dobila blokado na Parokeets blog. :biggrin: Ampak resno … saj je lep, res, sploh na takih swatchih kot so tvoji, ampak nisem si pa še rekla: ej, kaj če bi si ga nabavila. Ne vem, ne vem. Morda bi ga morala sprobat na nohtu. :)

    • Pri nas ima čisto vsak pravico do svojega mnenja. Torej nobene blokade zate. :biggrin: Meni je tako poseben, da sem ga morala imeti. Ko sem ga prvič dala na nohte, me je malo razočaral, ko pa sem ga dala čez temno podlago, se je vse postavilo na pravo mesto. :yes:

  2. Ah, pa Maestra, no! :shock:
    Končno sem se prepričala, da ne rabim tega lakca. Na, zdaj pa sta tu tvoji fotki.
    In sedaj ga rabim še bolj kot prej!!! :stars:

    • :biggrin: Itak, da ga RABIŠ!!! Ta lak vsak rabi. Moral bi biti obvezna oprema. :haha:
      Mislim, da je res dovolj poseben, da ga je vredno imeti, če le imaš rada modre lake. Mene je sicer mičkeno razočaral sam, a slojen čez temen lak je perfekten!

      • Sem bila v Maxiju in stane 17 €. OMG! Na enem blogu sem pa videla, da jo v Ameriki lahko dobiš celo za 2,5 $. Pri nas bo pa Zoya kmalu dražja od Channela!
        Pa mi je trgovka hitro rekla, da zraven dobim še darilce – mini pilico. Ampak te ne rabim, posamezno se pa ne da kupit. Sam če pa to ni rop… :unsure:
        Torej jo bom raje občudovala na tvojih nohtkih. :biggrin:

  3. I love crystal!! I am also waiting on the mail man to deliver me this beauty. I havent seen anyone use crystal layered over another color. It looks great thank for the wonderful idea an pictures.


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