Artdeco – Coral Kisses collection (review and swatches)

I spotted the new Artdeco collection called Coral Kisses in a store nearby. The name of the collection explains it all. Coral shade and lips. If I’m not mistaken, there were six different shades of lipsticks in three different formulas. I also remember two shades of lip liners, four shades of eyeshadows and a blush. I’m sure there were some more products that I forgot to mention. Well, here is what I bought.

Artdeco - Coral Kisses (spring/summer 2011): Soft Lip Liner - 84 Mexican Aster, Perfect Color Lipstick - 36 Pink Thistle, High Performance Lipsticks - 433 Corn Poppy
Artdeco – Coral Kisses (spring/summer 2011)


Artdeco - Coral Kisses (spring/summer 2011): Perfect Color Lipstick - 36 Pink Thistle, High Performance Lipsticks - 433 Corn Poppy
Artdeco – Coral Kisses (spring/summer 2011): High Performance Lipsticks – 433 Corn Poppy, Perfect Color Lipstick – 36 Pink Thistle

High Performance Lipstick – 433 Corn Poppy is a coral-red lipstick with tiny shimmer. Applied on my lips it looks orange. I asked my BF about the lipstick. He said that it looks good on me. He also said that it’s a bright and noticeable orange but not too bright. The lipstick is highly pigmented. The application is easy. It feels a bit dry on the lips, but it doesn’t actually dry the lips. I love the packaging, which is heavy feeling silver aluminium. Very elegant. Price in Slovenia: 12,80€ for 4g of product.

Swatch: Artdeco - Coral Kisses (spring/summer 2011): High Performance Lipsticks - 433 Corn Poppy
Artdeco – Coral Kisses (spring/summer 2011): High Performance Lipsticks – 433 Corn Poppy

Perfect Color Lipstick – 36 Pink Thistle is a … O my, I really don’t know how to describe the shade. It’s in the same territory as MAC’s Viva Glam – Cyndi, but Pink Thistle is pinker. The pigmentation is great. It feels a little less dry on the lips as the High Performance Lipstick. But none if them is drying or too dry for my taste. The packaging for the Perfect Color Lipstick line is black aliminium (I don’t know what’s the actual material, but I know it’s not plastic). Also elegant, but it would be even more elegant looking if the shape would be square instead of round. Well, that’s just a personal preference. Price in Slovenia: 8,92€ for 4g of product.

Artdeco - Coral Kisses (spring/summer 2011): Perfect Color Lipstick - 36 Pink Thistle
Artdeco – Coral Kisses (spring/summer 2011): Perfect Color Lipstick – 36 Pink Thistle

I haven’t have the chance to try how long they last on the lips, but I have the feeling that I could get a couple of hours of wear with these. I have to mention that lipstick (or lipglosses) in general don’t wear well on my very small lips. I tend to “eat” the lip products pretty fast.

I also bought a Soft Lip Liner – 84 Mexican Aster. I’d describe the shade as a dark mauve, but you know already that I’m not very good at describing colors. The color is almost the same as Illamasqua – Wanton lipstick. The pencil is soft but not too soft. I think it’s a good lip liner. Though it could have been a bit more pigmented and a bit easier to apply.

The not very good swatches of all the products I bought in one small photo. I really didn’t like my swatches, that’s why the photo is so small.

Swatch: Artdeco - Coral Kisses (spring/summer 2011): Soft Lip Liner - 84 Mexican Aster, Perfect Color Lipstick - 36 Pink Thistle, High Performance Lipsticks - 433 Corn Poppy
Artdeco – Coral Kisses (spring/summer 2011): Soft Lip Liner – 84 Mexican Aster, Perfect Color Lipstick – 36 Pink Thistle, High Performance Lipsticks – 433 Corn Poppy

These were my thoughts about the products that I bought. What do you think about them? And what do you think about the Coral Kisses collection?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

14 thoughts on “Artdeco – Coral Kisses collection (review and swatches)”

  1. Kolekcije še nisem ujela, se pa tudi bojim, da koralno zame ponavadi pomeni “pretoplo”, in bi hecno izpadlo … glede na to, da še kar nisem dognala, kakšen spekter barv mi paše na ustnice (po zadnjih nakupih je moja daleč najljubša šminka tista, ki sem jo kupila kot “hmmm, mogoče” poskus), ker sem pri šminkah še dokaj frišna (sem jih vedno občudovala zgolj na drugih) in nisem blazno obsedena z njimi, da bi jih kupovala na veliko, bi bilo morda dobro preizkusit kakšno barvo, da vidim, morda bom pa čisto navdušena. :) Pink Thistle se mi zdi, da ne bi bila napačna, sploh v kombinaciji z malo močnejšim očesnim MUjem. Bom zagotovo kaj pobrskala naslednjič ko bom v Mullerju. :wink:

  2. Teh barv, ki jih zgoraj omenjaš sicer nisem uspela testirat imam pa tako 2 šminki High Performance Lipstick kot tudi 2 Perfect Color Lipstick. S HIgh Performance Lipstik sem zelo zadovoljna saj so na meni zelo obstojne, prekrivne, ne lezejo v gube prav tako pa kljub temu da delujejo suho (satenast finish) usnice prav nič ne izsušijo. Tako da :thumb: za ta spekter. Nasprotno pa mi Perfect Colour niso preveč všeč, ker so vazelinaste, polprekrivne pri tem da barvo težko enakomerno razporediš, prav tako pa so tudi neobstojne (vsaj ta dva odtenka, ki ju imam jaz.

    • Hvala za izčrpen odgovor in tvoje izkušnje! :rose:
      Za šminke res nisem ekspert, prav tako me je mahnjenost nanje prijela šele nekaj časa nazaj. Od AD šmink imam samo dve iz Glossy Lip Care linije. In zdaj ti dve, ki pa ju še nisem zelo dobro preizkusila. Prvi filing mi pravi, da sta fajn. Zdaj sem PCL – 36 še 1x nanesla na ustnice in se lepo enakomerno nanaša in tudi dobro prekriva. Kot pa sem že napisala, imam majhne ustnice in potem lahko s samo enim potegom nanesem šminko na spodnje ustnice, če je le dovolj prekrivna. Ta je OK prekrivna z enim potegom, s tremi pa je po moje skoraj popolnoma prekrivna. HPL pa je že z enim potegom skoraj popolnoma prekrivna, v dveh pa po moje čisto.
      Verjetno/Morda od šmink tudi manj pričakujem kot ti. In potem je še odvisno od ustnic do ustnic. Če imaš bolj blede ustnice, potem jih s šminko hitreje prekriješ, kot če imaš temnejše ustnice.
      Aja, zgoraj swatch sta dva nanosa (potega :biggrin: ) vsake šminke. ;)
      In ja PCL je bolj vazelinaste sorte, medtem ko je HPL satenasta.
      Nujno se moram naučiti terminologije pri šminkah! :lips:

      • Od šmink res pričakujem veliko :) (so pri meni večja obsesija kot laki). Drugače imam srednje polne, velike po barvi bolj blede ustnice, in pri kakšnih vazelinastih šminkah rabim kar ene 4-5 potegov za zadovoljiv rezultat. Sem pa opazila še nekaj kar morda vpliva na mojo izkušnjo. Oba PCL odtenka ki ju imam imata zelo droben vendar opazen šimer, na tej zgoraj pa (vsaj kolikor lahko razberem iz swatch-a) šimra ni.

        • Ja, tale zgoraj nima čisto nič šimra. Hmm, morda pa res vpliva šimer. Ne vem. Morda je tudi formula kaj drugačna, ker gre za nov odtenek.
          Če si jo boš ogledala v živo, pa le poročaj, kako se ti bo zdela. ;)
          Meni pa je filing vazelinastih šmink kar všeč. Manj mi je všeč glicerinast filing kot ga je imela Manhattan Rosewood.
          Imam občutek, da bom počasi morala narediti študijo med šminkami, ker vidim, da mi manjka nekaj znanja (in izkušenj). :biggrin:


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