H&M – Spring Nails: Coral/Purple and Blue/Beige sets (swatches)

Just a few words and tons of photos today.

H&M – Spring Nails 2011 – Coral/Purple and Blue Beige sets.

H&M - Spring Nails 2011 by Parokeets
H&M – Spring Nails 2011
H&M - Spring Nails 2011 by Parokeets
H&M – Spring Nails 2011

Each set contains four polishes. Each polish is only 0.1 fl oz./3,2ml. Price: 3,95€ per set.

All polishes were applied in two coats. Most of them are with no shimmer.

Coral/Purple set.

H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Coral/Purple set by Parokeets
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Coral/Purple set

Grey – light grey with tiny silver shimmer.

H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Grey
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Grey

Light Purple – light pink with purple undertones.

H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Light Purple
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Light Purple

Dark Purple – purple with red undertones. I’d say it has jelly finish. With two coats it still looks a bit uneven on the nails.

H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Dark Purple
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Dark Purple

Coral – pink coral with gold shimmer and is a bit frosty. The gold shimmer makes it appear orange in some lights, while in others it looks more pink.

H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Coral
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Coral
H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Coral
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Coral
H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Coral
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Coral

Blue/Beige set.

H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Blue/Beige set by Parokeets
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Blue/Beige set

White – creme white. Very similar to the Pure White from the last year’s Summer Nails. Pure White is a bit more grey in the bottle, but that doesn’t really show up on the nails. The application of White is a bit better. Both are great white polishes.

H&M - Spring Nails 2011: White vs. Pure White by Parokeets
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: White vs. Pure White
H&M - Spring Nails 2011: White vs. Pure White
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: White vs. Pure White

Beige reminds me of white coffee.

H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Beige
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Beige
H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Beige
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Beige

Brown is a very delicate shade of brown. It has a lot of yellow and red in it. I’d say that not a lot of people are going to like this particular polish. I think it’s funny and I’ll definitely wear it.

H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Brown
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Brown

Brown was the only one with a wonky brush.

H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Brown
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Brown (brush)

Blue is a dark blue with jelly finish. It’s amazing. It’s a well pigmented jelly, which makes it more like a creme-jelly. No problems with the application.

H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Blue
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Blue
H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Blue
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Blue

Last but not least a manicure I did with the Blue/Beige set. That’s how you can make even the Brown polish to work.

H&M - Spring Nails 2011: Blue/Beige set manicure by Maestra
H&M – Spring Nails 2011: Blue/Beige set manicure

Let me know in the comments if you’d wear Brown. And I’d also like to know, which polish is your favourite out of the ones shown above?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

25 thoughts on “H&M – Spring Nails: Coral/Purple and Blue/Beige sets (swatches)”

  1. Prvi set je prečudovit, sploh odtenek coral, drugi rjavkasti set
    mi je pa čisto zanič in si ga ne bi kupila

  2. Samo Coral/Purple set mi je všeč. Drug setek z lahkoto spregledam. Zelo nazoren prispevek, ki olajša odločitev za nakup in nošenje: Maestra, hvala!

  3. punce, dajte napisat kakšen članek o hitrosušečih se nadlakih. meni zadnje čase noben več ne ustreza…. sem čisto obupana.

  4. Have to say that I really like the Coral and Dark Purple :wub:
    As for brown polish, I’m not that keen on brown in general but I do have one brown sparkly polish which I do like…so it all depends on how the polish is.

    Just found your blog, it’s really good! :)

  5. Thanks to all for your comments! :rose:
    I was pleasantly surprised, that there are some (more than I had expected) nail junkies who would actually wear Brown polish. And what made me even happier, was the fact that I’m not the only one, who appreciates edgy shades like that. :happy: Great! That means that companies might release more and more fun polishes in the future!!! :party:

  6. Grey mi je res zelo lep, subitlen sivko. Ne vem kaj imam zadnje čase s sivimi odtenki. Odkar sem nanesla London Weather Forecast jih imam veliko raje, pravzaprav jih hočem ogromno pokupiti. :nervous: Beige je ravno tako zelo lušten, sploh ko si ga primerjala z belo kavo – kava in lak skupaj = moram kupit. :wink: :biggrin: Brown mi je pa predvsem zelo zanimiv odtenek. Mislim, da vidimo zelo malo tako oker rjavih na sceni, verjetno ravno zato, ker je prespecifična za večino. Jaz še vedno nisem pretiran ljubitelj rjavih odtenkov na svojih nohtih, tako da bi tudi pri tem kolebala, mi je pa všeč njegova nenavadnost. Odlično se obnese pri tvoji zadnji manikuri, ki je RES fantasična, tako da bi ga pa zagotovo kupila za tovrstne podvige. :yes:

  7. Lol! When I first saw the photos of this post I immediately thought: “OMGoodness, look at that brown!” Finally some different brown from what we have seen recently! I’d totaly wear it! ;)

  8. Oh I need these! Finally some swatches of polishes that I can actually get here! I have one of the summer sets from last year.. They might be small, but I never finish a bottle of polish anyway.. Unless I franken it.. haha

    I like the brown one! You don’t see that often!

  9. Najlepši mi je definitivno moder. :wub:
    Brown? Če bi ga prodajali posebej, se za nakup verjetno ne bi odločila. Ampak, ker ga že imam, moram najprej videti, kako se bo ujemal z mojo poltjo, da vidim, če mi sploh paše, ker nekateri odtenki rjave mi ne pašejo.


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