Yesterday, Mamy showed you the H&M Summer Nails neon shades and today I’m going to show you the non-neon shades.

Blue is a creme sky blue. Lovely color and no application issues with it. Two coats shown in the picture below.

Green is a shimmery green with a hint of blue to it. I think the shimmer is green. It’s a nice color too. Two coats shown in the pictures.

Purple is a real shimmery purple. Nothing much to say about it. Very pretty color. The shimmer is tiny and I think it’s purple. Two coats shown in the pictures.

There is also a creme white in the set, but I didn’t swatch it for you. It’s creme white. That’s it. But I did try to stamp with it and it worked!

The stamp isn’t good, but that’s because the image plate I used isn’t the best. The H&M White polish worked just fine.
These are all very tiny bottled. Only 3,2ml, that’s even less than a OPI mini, which is 3,75ml. The bottle shape is pretty and the brush is regular sized.
The price for the set is 2,95€.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Hi! I dont’t found the second pack of these polishes.. if you sell them i will be interested ;) thanks!!
Hmm… priznam da v H&M še nikoli nisem zasledila nobenih lakcev. O_o bom naslednjič bolj pozorna.
Thank you ladies for all the comments! :rose:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Review and Swatches: H&M – Summer Nails =-.
These look great! :D
Ta komplet mi je bil tako všeč ko sem videla tvoj ‘post’ da sem se takoj odpravila v najbližji H&M – na žalost sem bila prepozna ker ni bilo ne duha ne sluha o lakcih več. Prejšnji teden sem jih imela v rokah in ne vem kaj mi je šinilo v glavo da jih nisem vzela :shock:
Oh, škoda. Kolikor sem slišala, je ponekod problem s slovenskimi deklaracijami in jih zato umikajo (ali so jih že umaknili) iz prodaje. Morda pa še pridejo nazaj. :hmm: Upam, da dobimo tudi kakšne druge odtenke! :nails:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Review and Swatches: H&M – Summer Nails =-.
včeraj so jih v NG še meli..morm dans spet pogledat..k včeri jh nism neb rada brez ostala :fju:
Čisto vsi odtenki so mi uporabni. :wub:
.-= Gejba´s last post … Glam Nails Larissa skittles =-.
those are great shades!! I agree with u the mickey mouse plates isnt that good..
It’s such a pretty IP, but unfortunately it doesn’t work well. :hmm:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Review and Swatches: H&M – Summer Nails =-.
Lušno :wub:
Tudi ta kompletek mi je všeč :) Itak pa bi jaz imela bolj ali manj čisto vse lakce :naughty: