Remember my mini haul from Austria? Today I have for you swatches of all three MNY polishes I bought: 557, 661, 306a.
Application was a bit problematic only with 557 shade which really could use third layer. I applied top coat over all of the polishes.
306a was part of I Am A Jungle Chick LE. I just had to have this dark green polish loaded with shimmer.
661 is gorgeous electric blue shade with interesting shimmer.
557 is problem child of the bunch – not easy to apply, sheer and violet base with purple and violet shimmer doesn’t really stand out. Pretty, but nothing special.
See anything you like?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
ooooo, meni se sva tri sviđaju :stars:
661 je perfekten :wub:
Prvi mi je zelo všeč. K sreči že imam kaj podobnega v svoji zbirki. :nails: Drugi ni švoh, a se mi ne zdi nič ekstra posebnega. Tretji pa … ni dovolj poseben, da bi mu odpustila težaven nanos.
Vsi 3 jso čudoviti, ampak od vseh me 1. najbolj privlači, verjetno zato, ker česa takega še nimam v zbiriki =) :wub:
306a je POPOLN!! In seveda mora biti del LE. :bljak: Ulmiel, zakaj se vedno zapičiš v lake ki jih ne moreš dobiti??! :cry: Oh ja … res je čudovit. Ostala dva pa mi nista preveč všeč. Morda le 661, ki je videti kot dober nadomestek za Frostbite od China Glaze, takole po spominu. Tudi zanj se ne morem odločit, ali bi ga imela ali ne. :wink:
You’ve inspired me, I’ve had 661 for ages but never wore it, I’m gonna try it tomorrow! :nails:
Go for it! It’s really a pretty shade. :nails:
The last two likes super! I want to buy them.
What are you waiting for? :biggrin:
I think if I precisely applied 557, it could turn out super gorgeous.
I did add third layer, but it’s just to cool, to be really stunning on me. Maybe it will look gorgeous on you though. :thumb:
Vsi trije so lepi! :wub:
Te že kličejo. :silly:
306a is gorgeous! I have this one too :whistle:
If you find it, snatch it. :yes:
661 is incredibly gorgeous!
Definitively shad that is very vibrant. :nails:
Meni je pa modri št. 661 všeč :nails:
Res je cukerček. :yes:
Zanimivo, ravno zadnji 557 mi je najbolj všeč. 661 malo manj, 306a – niti ga ne bi opazila. Dobro, da imamo različne okuse. :yes:
Itak – če ne bi se steple za iste odtenke. :biggrin: