Alessandro – Love You Set

By Mamy

I’ve been eying this set for a while now. I finally bought it since I loved the red polish that comes in Love You Set.

Alessandro_Love_You_SetYou get lovely cardboard box with flowers on it and in it red nail polish (10ml, 0,35 fl.oz.) and hand cream (50ml, 1,75 fl.oz.).

Alessandro_Love_You_SetHand cream is LE and smells like pomegranate. It is not heavy duty cream, it absorbs nicely into the skin and does not leave grassy film behind.

Polish is red but it is already leaning to coral side. It is very pigmented and one layer can be enough, but I used two. Application was nice, brush is perfect width for my nails. I only needed one brush stroke on smaller nails. Staying power is OK.

Alessandro_Love_You_Set_Nail_Polish_SwatchI bought Love You Set in Maxi store for 12€.  It costs 2 EUR less in Muller drugstores, but it’s mostly sold out.

I usually do not by gift sets but I made exception for this one since both items looked promising.

Do you like it?

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13 thoughts on “Alessandro – Love You Set”

    • Hm, ne vem. Že to je problem, ker razen št. 206 na dnu stekleničke ni nikjer napisano, za kateri lak sploh gre. Najbolje, da preveriš v trgovini. :wave:

      • MI je uspelo dobit komplet v Mullerju :), vendar pa tebi ful lepše izpade na nohtih. Ja imam drugače ten kot ti in mi ne pride tako lepo kot pri tebi…

        • O, super, da ti ga je uspelo dobiti. Hvala za pohvalo, :rose:
          ja, vem, podton kože igra pomembno vlogo. Verjemi, da sem večkrat kupila lak/šminko/senčko…ker je na drugi izgledal odlično, na meni pa je izpadlo čisto nekaj drugega. :hmm:
          Morda bo prišel v poštev poleti, ko boš porjavela. :wink:

  1. bonjour,
    perso je ne mets pas de rouge donc j’ai acheté la crème seule mais en 2 exemplaires car l’odeur est vraiment très agréable!!!!! et le résultat sur les mains: douces, pas grasses, et encore ce parfum!!!!
    J’ai adoré!!!


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