Preview: Alessandro Go Magic! Twist spring 2011

I’m still working on swatches from China Claze Crackle Glaze collections I doubt they’ll be ready today.

But I did manage to prepare quick post about Alessandro’s new collection of magnetic polishes that will be soon available in Slovenia.

Alessandro Go Magic! Twist polishes are our old buddies. For spring 2011 release they added four new colors and magnet in shape of the star instead of diagonal lines.

Alessandro Go Magic! Twist spring 2011 promo photo
photo courtesy of Alessandro
Alessandro Go Magic! Twist spring 2011 on Parokeets blog
photos used in collage are courtesy of Alessandro

Judging from the promo photos, I like the orangy shade the most. See anything you like?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

17 thoughts on “Preview: Alessandro Go Magic! Twist spring 2011”

  1. Njami, jst bi mela vijoličastga,
    me pa zelo zanima kako to u resnici zgleda
    na nohtu in upam da kmalu objaviš

  2. Pohvale vredno, da se še naprej trudijo z magnetnimi laki. :bow: Sama ideja magnetnih lakov mi je ful všeč, nosim jih pa praktično nikoli. :blush:

  3. I love them and want them all. Really wish magnetic polishes were available in Canada. They’re so fun, unique and well, me!

  4. Oooooooooo!! Marička, zgleda da se bom morala skeširat za tele. Še zdaj mi je žal, da sem modrega zamudila. :( Meni sta oranžen in vijoličen fantasična. :stars:


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