Preview: Essence Blossoms etc…

At the end of this month new Essence TE is coming to our stores. 2011 spring edition is called – Blossoms etc…

Preview Essence Blossoms etc... TE
product photos curtesy of Essence

Collection will contain following products:

  • nail polish (1,79 EUR): A hint of mint, I like, My yellow fellow, Bloom-a-loom, Forget-me-not;
  • duo eyeshadow(2,19EUR): A hint of mint, Bloom-a-loom, Forget me not;
  • eye pencil (1,29 EUR): Bloom-a-loom, I like;
  • lipgloss (1,89 EUR): Flowerkissed, Naive;
  • multi color powder (3,49 EUR): Flower Power;
  • liquid blush (3,29 EUR): pump-dispenser in Flowerkissed shade;
  • eau de toilette (7,49 EUR): fresh floral scent;
  • solid perfume (4,09 EUR): ring with creme perfume hiding inside.

Since I’m not huge fan of pastel nail polishes the most interesting product in this TE is for me liquid blush. And I am curious what kind of smell did Essence hide in the ring.

Do you have anything from Blossoms etc… on your WL?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

11 thoughts on “Preview: Essence Blossoms etc…”

  1. Mene pa resno mikajo pastelni lakci, ker nimam še nič podobnega
    Bo treba najprej u živo videt in se šele nato odločt

  2. Sure! The liquid blush, the solid perfume in ring, the multi-colour powder and the yellow nail polish :wub:

  3. Všeč mi je kar vse, ampak rabim pa seveda nujno:

    # glos za ustnice
    # več barvni kompaktni puder
    # tekoče rdečilo za lička
    # toaletna voda
    # parfum v kremi


  4. Baš se radujem ovoj kolekciji i pastelnim lakovima jer skoro pa ništa nemam. Treba mi nešto nježno.. jedva čekam vidjet kakvi će ovi bit. :yes:

  5. I’d love to see how looks the yellow nail polish, I feel it could be a nice dupe for the Chanel Mimosa one :)

  6. Nemam pastelnih lakova tako da se radujem ovoj kolekciji :)
    Zanima me kakav će miris biti, ali ne verujem da ću ga uzeti… cvetni mirisi znaju da budu mnogo slatki pa sam malo nepoverljiva
    I naravno zanima me kakvo će rumenilo biti :)


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